About the UK Riots

Following the murder of three young girls in a knife attack in Southport, the UK has witnessed riots, for which the far-right was blamed. Please note that one of the girls murdered is not British but has Portuguese parents. Someone must be blamed instead of pointing fingers at the perpetrator and the far-left.

The suspect happened to be a 17-year-old boy Axel Rudakubana, a British citizen born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda, who was arrested at the scene and has been charged with three counts of murder, ten counts of attempted murder, and possession of a bladed article.

The British government has been training terrorists for years. British intelligence uses terrorists to hold countries hostage like the way they’re holding the UK hostage. During the Manchester Arena Inquiry, convicted IS terrorist Abdalraouf Abdallah is on record testifying that he was trained by NATO in Libya. His friend Salman Abedi murdered 22 people at the Manchester Arena. But NATO was never questioned while the M15 gave evidence in secret. What is the British government hiding?

Alan Watt warned us in 2007 about this immigration crisis which I published in another piece where I give full transcripts of Alan Watt’s blurbs. He had warned us that this immigration crisis is totally paid for and ushered in, in order to create conflict. When you have groups of people coming in in small numbers to any country, these people will gradually blend in, mix and adapt. But when you have massive immigrants coming in, and put in specific areas in large towns or cities [in Malta’s case it was Marsa in the beginning], the aim is to keep them separate and form ghettos so that they are kept separate instead of helping them disperse and integrate into the system.

They knew that this will create conflict which they will always use when it suits them. Conflicts are happening and this conflict will be used when they start crushing the money system, which is happening right now. Hence the conflicts rising. As long as the money is flowing, everyone can get along in crowded cities and crowded towns. But when it starts getting difficult to pay the rent, to survive, as it is now, everyone is worried. So conflicts begin and people will then start subdividing themselves back again into the original groups and fighting each other.

And this is all allowed by the Big Boys and their puppets, you see. So that they can bring in the new force into the system.

And this is what is happening in the UK. The Director of Public Prosecutions in England and Wales is on record stating: “We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests.” Sharing online material of riots may constitute an offense but while this is occurring, armed gangs with masked men are permitted to continue their destructive activities.

“The UK government is reconsidering bringing in controversial powers to force internet companies to remove “legal but harmful” content, as the first prison sentence was handed to someone who helped fuel recent far-right riots by stoking tensions online.” This is “The Online Safety Act”, signed by King Charles himself which prohibits criticism of the government and migrants. But King Charles the Rothschild poked puppet, made an appearance and visited Southport to meet people affected by stabbings and riots.

This is the world government which continues to attack free speech with propaganda, lies and gestapo like tactics.

This is one of the officers in the UK police who decides if a British social media post is going to get you arrested.

The Labour Party’s (British SPD’s) city councillor has called for the slitting of the throats of whites who participated in the recent riots. This is what it looks like as law and order collapse while they bring in their order out of the chaos which they create but for which the people will be blamed for. Do you get it?

But what is bad for the goose, is not bad for the gander:

Don’t allow the governments and their puppeteers to get to their end goal through this yet another divide and conquer strategy. Don’t allow any good speaker put on the frontline in all this to stir up the emotions to such a pitch to have ordinary folks fight other ordinary folks regardless of the colour, creed and so forth because this is what they are counting on. If you manage to get to see the whole big picture, you will just get one image: whole populations of the whole world facing the same horror show – a non-thinking future for whatever is left of what we call humanity at lower levels, which is the majority, the masses.

Instead of fighting each other, let us rise above all of this. In this way, we can beat the true enemies.

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