More signs and symbols from the Paris Olympics 2024

The below are photos of the Israeli Women’s Rhythmic Team All-Around. Very interesting indeed that the Israeli team had to have this symbol and hinted message.

The All-Seeing Eye, a topic which was discussed in other pieces by this site, is very symbolic. And when you have a large number of people doing it or showing it in one way or another, [please also refer to the pictures below these paragraphs], you have to acknowledge that there’s a sinister hidden meaning. In Egyptian mythology, the All-Seeing Eye is commonly referred to as the spiritual eye or the third eye, or the “Eye of Horus” or “Eye of Ra.” Horus is identical to Lucifer, the morning star, the spiritual light, and the carrier of light. The Egyptians, the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, the Illuminati, Occultists, Elites and other secret groups have all utilized the All-Seeing Eye sign, which is also depicted on American one dollar bill, as well as numerous other locations. In Freemasonry, the All-Seeing Eye is “an important symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the Freemasons from the nations of antiquity,” according to Albert Mackey.

The All-Seeing Eye is a representation of God’s vigilant eye. It serves as a reminder that the “Grand Architect of the Universe” is watching over every thought and deed we take, and that we are obliged to fulfill our commitments both through blood and spirit [James E. Frey, 32°, Freemason of Midnight To a Mason at a high level]. Truly, in Freemasonry, Lucifer is the “Grand Architect of the Universe.” Another well-known Freemason, Manly P. Hall, claimed that the All-Seeing Eye esoterically symbolizes the ultimate aim of occultism, which is to become divine by one’s own efforts. This is accomplished by stimulating the pineal gland, often known as the Third Eye.

Hollywood stars figuratively cover one eye when pictured to also symbolise the All-Seeing Eye as a significant aspect of themselves in exchange for transient financial benefit, material gain and fame. The eyes are the “windows to the soul” hence in stardom, this gesture denotes the partial or complete loss of one’s soul, because the majority of celebrities truly serve Lucifer, to whom they have sold their souls.

The entertainment sector is fueled by distortion, control, and manipulation, and speaks in the dark, covert language of symbolism, and so do professional athletes and winners in the Olympics:

Winners covering an eye with their respective medal.
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