Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam (5)

Islam has already succeeded in the West in establishing two-tier police. There will also be a final stage in which kafirs will have less rights than Muslim household pets. For instance, in Pakistan, if a Muslim takes the neighbor’s buffalo, the police will show up, look into it, and make the Muslim give the cow back. However, no government, police force, or court could force the Muslim to return the girl if he kidnaps the ten-year-old daughter of his Hindu neighbor and claims the youngster has converted to Islam and married him.

Muslims in India tend to vote for leaders who support two-tier police rather than those who lead the country effectively. Furthermore, two-tier police is just sharia because Muslims and Kafirs are subject to different laws under Sharia.

Liberals are aiding Islam in achieving these goals by using strategies like fabricating the present to support Islam. The media just doesn’t publish or broadcast any news that could expose people to the realities of Islam.

Anything negative that occurs to Muslims anywhere in the globe is exaggerated and reported about for days on end. This creates a false reality. The general public concludes that there is victimization of Muslims worldwide. Thus, he justifies everything when he witnesses them murdering kafirs in a western metropolis, saying, “How else could victims react?” Islam progresses.

Islam would stop at nothing to keep kafirs in the dark until it has complete power. Internet translations of the Quran are being cleaned up. Any persecuted group in a nation is given an ally to hide behind and to feign support for the downtrodden segments of the kafir community in order for the liberals to label all acts of Islamic violence as secular.

For instance, allies are being sought out among India’s Dalits. Scholar, statesman, and Dalit icon Dr. B R Ambedkar revealed facts about Islam in his 1945 book Pakistan, or Partition of India (available on Amazon) that no other kafir leader, not even Churchill, had ever written. He declared that it is impossible to live in harmony with Muslims and that there must be a complete population exchange at India’s partition. In other words, no Muslim should be permitted to remain in India after division. Nonetheless, Ambedkar’s posters are shown prominently at all Muslim gatherings in India since Muslims currently want Dalits to be allies.

People are always asking for a way out. Non-political social groups that are able to monitor the government and politicians might be the answer. Or maybe “we the people” are the answer. Maybe humanity joining forces is the answer. It was a mistake for Western nations to entrust everything to political parties and politicians. Politicians, however, are solely interested in gaining and holding onto power. They don’t feel any sympathy for the individuals they control. Politicians are able to sell the nation outright and do whatever it takes to gain and hold onto power. Social groups need to be revitalized in the West.

By social groups that are able to monitor the government and politicians I mean the organizations that don’t intend to enter politics or hold political office or to have their hands in the cookie jar of corruption.

The organizations are led by people who have no desire for power and have no intention of entering politics. They also strive to instill moral values in the public, combat injustice everywhere, and monitor the ruling class, which includes politicians, bureaucracy, the media, academia, and the judiciary. Furthermore, kafir organization will be impossible after dhimma is implemented, so this must be done now, before it is implemented.

In lieu of all the information given in this series, and the war in Israel, let us remind ourselves what openly luciferian and 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike wrote in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871:

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic world) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”

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