Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam (4)

In his book ‘The Quranic Concept of War’ Brig. S.K. Malik of the Pakistan Army wrote: “Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose.”

The terror is unleashed to make the kafirs submit: “The dhimmi is commanded to put his soul, good fortune and desires to death. Above all, he should kill the love of life, leadership and honour. [The dhimmi] is to invert the longings of his soul, he is to load it down more heavily than it can bear until it is completely submissive. Thereafter nothing will be unbearable for him. He will be indifferent to subjugation or might. Poverty and wealth will be the same to him; praise and insult will be the same; preventing and yielding will be the same; lost and found will be the same. Then, when all things are the same, it [the soul] will be submissive and yield willingly what it should give.” [Tafsir ibn ‘Ajibah. Commentary on Q9:29. Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ajibah]

This is the utter misery to which Islam aspires to put all kafirs worldwide. The only reason kafirs exist is to provide the Muslims with wealth, slaves, and sex slaves. Islam has discovered that fear affects a person’s subconscious. Men in a state of terror succumb without even realizing they are losing their humanity.

They turn into creatures of burden, just like animals. They begin to preemptively appease Muslims since their only concern is their own survival. They break social ties with other kafirs and laud Islam nonstop.

They lose all feeling of honor and shame and turn into crafty, untrustworthy individuals. That is the reason Islam aims to instill fear in the hearts of the kafirs.

Majid Khadduri, an Iraqi-born academic, founder of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Middle East Studies program, who was recognised as a leading authority on a wide variety of Islamic subjects, modern history and the politics of the Middle East, wrote: “The universalism of Islam, in its all-embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political, if not strictly military. The Jihad, accordingly, may be stated as a doctrine of a permanent state of war, not continuous fighting.”

Islam will employ psychological warfare and frequent terror attacks to bring about this condition of dread. It will rape, kill, and plunder while continuing to claim victimhood to prevent kafirs from acting until it is too late.

Ibn al-Munir (d. 1333) wrote, “War is deceit, i.e., the most complete and perfect war waged by a holy warrior is a war of deception, not confrontation, due to the latter’s inherent danger, and the fact that one can attain victory through treachery without harm [to oneself].” And Ibn Hajar (d. 1448) counsels Muslims “to take great caution in war, while [publicly] lamenting and mourning to dupe the infidels.”

Liberals in the West will hold Western nations accountable for every terror attack. After every terror attack, they will demand ever greater concessions for Islam.

The West will keep giving in little by little. Islam will buy off pro-Islamic politicians and demolish those who are against it by discrediting them, driving them from office, or eliminating them completely. Ironically, even the bribes it gives to politicians who support kafirism are financed by kafirs themselves. It buys politicians to donate tax dollars to its Quranic schools, Islamic Culture Centers, and Muslim NGOs, among other groups.

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