Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam (3)

The things that kafirs desire—sports, money, houses, careers, education, etc.—are not what Muslims desire. It is not for a better life that they have gone to the West. They are here to take control. They seek control over every nation on Earth. Verses 8.39 and 9.29 of the Quran include Allah’s order to them to do so.

In verses 9.120, he told them that everything terrible done to kafirs is good, and in verses 9.14, 9.15, he has informed them that any pain they inflict upon kafirs is actually Allah’s way of punishing kafirs through the actions of believers. In verses 60.4, 58.22, 4.89, 4.144, 5.51, 5.54, 6.40, 9.23, and 60.1 (the teaching of Al Wala wa Al bara), Allah commands believers to hate kafirs regardless of how kafirs treat them. In 4.144, Allah even warns believers who coexist peacefully with kafirs with severe punishment.

Muslims are under mind control by their leaders. It is forbidden for a Muslim to grow up and acquire the maturity required to become morally upright. He is never offered an option in the situation. He is simply executed if, after being persuaded to join jihad, he declines. This explains why, in spite of all the benefits the US was offering them, people in nations like Afghanistan “choose” the Taliban over the US. Any Muslim who attempts to change any of this is instantly eliminated.

Politician Salman Taseer of Pakistan was against the country’s blasphemy laws. He was slain by his own bodyguard for doing so. The West is terribly misguided if it believes that its wealth or generosity will alter any of the aforementioned.

Rather, it will be terrifying. Now Islam will frighten the hearts of Western kafirs.

It’s terror folks!

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