Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam (2)

Westerners lost that character when they were unemployed and on welfare. It also spread that one is exempt from the moral laws if they are a “victim” or a “oppressed” person. People gladly joined the “victim classes” that liberals were creating because, really, who wants to be burdened with morality?

Not many people understand where wealth comes from. When violence isn’t preventing the source of abundance from being identified, even the most skilled economists typically fall short. Two economic rules describe where wealth comes from. Carl Menger’s law of marginal utility comes in second place, after Ricardo’s law of the division of labor.

According to Ricardo’s law, if two men manufacture articles A and B together and their total production is C, the amount of C will increase if the two men decide that one will produce only article A and the other will only make article B. It is always true, much like an equation in mathematics.

According to Carl Menger, nothing has inherent economic value, and a good’s entire economic worth is arbitrary. It is clear that these two laws make very basic assumptions about the value of private property, commercial freedom, and intellectual freedom.

Division of labor is impossible if what a man creates is not his private property, he is not free to trade his goods, and he is not free to choose the value of the items he wishes to buy in trade.

Furthermore, no valuation of economic products is possible if man is not free to think and speak for himself. This means that there cannot be trade, and therefore there cannot be a division of labor. Stated differently, wealth cannot exist in the absence of safe private property; human freedom to trade, think, and communicate is contingent upon the safety and freedom of the mind and its products.

The freedom of speech, free trade, and private property rights brought wealth to the West. These rights were listed by honorable men with moral rectitude and moral integrity. Unfortunately, by the time Marx’s followers started their violence, they had already left. Marx maintained that the exploited workers were the ones who created the wealth. They took the offensive and started the violence. At that point, the crooked elite governed the West. Their corruption was the kind that, in the absence of socially enforced vigilance, prosperity invariably produces.

After all, power comes from wealth, and power corrupts. The ruling class was unable to both defend and explain where their wealth came from. Rather, they gave the workers the power to use violence and eliminated morals altogether. Elite corruption quickly spread to the general public. It has impacted every location. It has made its way to the men of science, who were meant to deal exclusively with the facts. Thus, physicians who practice science are disfiguring youngsters in the sake of a hoax known as “gender fluidity.”

After all, the doctors doing the mutilations have studied science their entire lives and are aware that no amount of surgery or counseling would ever be able to change an individual’s gender, which is inherently locked into each of the over 38 trillion cells that make up their body. However, they are gleefully complicit in this most egregious of falsehoods. Rather than the fraudster and tormentor, John Money, the West actually died on the day that David Reimer, the first victim of the sex-change scam, took his own life.

Soon after, the lie known as “climate change” was born out of scientific corruption. This disease, together with Islam and wokeism, is killing the West. In addition, just like David Reimer, people who expose the deception surrounding climate change are also being destroyed—not by the perpetrators of the scam, but by law enforcement and job loss.

The corrupt elite now controls the West. We are in the era of the liberals with the losers bossing around who descend from rich parents’ generation. Having failed to produce anything of their own, these intellectual failures have moved to control the political, academic, media, corporate HR departments, and other levers of power. They govern bureaucracy’s careers, dictate corporate practices, dictate scientific funding, pick judges, brainwash youngsters in schools, and use the media to spread propaganda. They have no morality or integrity. They support, encourage, harbor the corrupt and also pick up the corrupt.

Islam is thriving in the West right now because of this abyss of dishonest elites. Islam has no greater love than a corrupt elite of kafirs. It first cooperates, pays large bribes, stays outside of the correct chain of command and pits several elite factions against one another before growing stronger and closer until finally it just grabs the elite’s neck and snaps it.

Islam’s main strength is the divisions that exist in kafir society. Thus, it identifies, supports, and nourishes individuals who sow division and deepen societal divisions. Islam does exactly to the West what the Left was doing to it. It has only replaced the Left. The Left had already rewritten history and manufactured a false world in which Islam and the West coexisted.

Islam is a religion of victims, and decades ago, the Left called Islam a victim of the West. As a result, the people at first welcomed Muslims to the West.

So What? What would the future years in the West look like if action is not taken?

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