Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam (1)

1988 saw the publication of the British citizen Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses. In the novel, these verses are “words of ‘satanic suggestion’ which the Islamic prophet Muhammad is alleged to have mistaken for divine revelation.

On 14 February 1989, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran and one of the most prominent Shi’a Muslim leaders, issued a fatwa calling for the death of Rushdie and his publishers. This created a major international incident that persisted for many years.

The British government forced Rushdie into hiding, heavily protected by the police because there was no way to know who among the Muslims in the UK would kill Rushdie. The British knew that any person or any mob could come and lynch him.

If the British were aware of all of this, one might assume that they would have deduced the inevitable consequences of the affair: Muslims do not adhere to Western notions of free speech, it is impossible to identify which Muslim could kill a blasphemer, and Muslims turn into mobs for the most absurd reasons.

Thus, the UK had to halt Muslim immigration if it were to maintain its rights to free expression.

In actuality, all of the Western nations ought to have taken this action. Rather, they widened the gates. They even promoted both legal and illegal immigration by Muslims. Tony Blair, for instance. Additionally, Angela Merkel.

How did the West get to where it is now? The times when the ruling classes of the West’s most sophisticated, educated, wealthy, and content wish to destroy the nations under their control? And everyone in the public appears to be just nodding along?

The thanks goes to Karl Marx, born in the nineteenth century, who scared the elites and perplexed the masses. He misinterpreted the source of riches, unleashed the people on the elite, and they began to make concessions. From then on, all they knew to do was make concessions to anyone who dared to threaten violence.

James Burnham, (1905–87), a former Trotskyist and professor of philosophy, saw that “diallectical logic” meant that Marxism, Communism, and Leftism also meant the elimination of morality. and is only an apparatus that proclaims “truth is whatever serves the interest of communist power.” (Burnham cited in Roger Kimball’s introduction to Suicide of the West [page 11, Kindle edition]). And the liberals in charge of the West are just mild Marxists. They are ignorant of perfect morality. It’s all in their perspective. As a result, separate moral laws are currently in place for various societal groups.

First among them were the industrial workers. Leftists claim that industrial workers are exploited and have the right to commit violence because of this. Morality as we know it does not apply to them. They have the power to destroy the industrial plant, picket it, and even murder the owners. due to their exploitation. The ruling class capitulated. It’s possible that they feared the workers would march to the parliament building and set it on fire if they weren’t permitted to burn down the industrial plant.

Since then, things have become worse. This was the first time that the civilized people had allowed an exemption from the moral laws.

As a result, the Dependency Class grew and industrial plants in the West were destroyed. The guys who work are shaped by the deep magical quality of their work.

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