MaltaToday slowly starts the propaganda to prepare the populace for the introduction of assisted suicide

MaltaToday has slowly started the propaganda for the introduction of euthanasia.

And as one of the tricks of the corporate media, it taps on your emotions. “There is no hope left for me – let me decide what is best for myself | Humanists Malta” is the heading. We are going to have the usual nausea of being moulded into euthanasia defenders. This is psychological indoctrination perpetrated on you.

Here is some psycholinguistics for you: “Those who are terminally ill cannot ask for a choice between living and dying, but they could be allowed to choose between two different deaths: one, peaceful and with dignity, at the time they want it, and one they are needlessly forced to just endure.”

I am presuming that the article reflects one of the causes of this yet another NGO, Malta Humanist Association, which has been created to bring in another agenda – that of euthanasia, a highly controversial topic, which they have changed to “assisted dying.” Let us call it by its name: assisted suicide. It is a human being who has decided to commit suicide with the help of others.

MaltaToday also added a short clip, with the usual dramatic bullshit of having this one voice of the propaganda speaking to you with short, simple statements; questions so to make you shift opinion and mould you into a euthanasia sympathiser and with that dramatic background music so to turn you into a wrecking ball with a tissue in one hand, while you try to restrain the sob.

Humanists Malta also try to guilt you: “We only ask for sympathy for those who feel otherwise; who live in pain, discomfort, or indignity, despite the best palliative care; those whose lives no longer have any joy or value for them, with the only prospect being a down-out and distressing death.” Do you understand how these agendas are coming through deceit? Why bring the sympathy topic in as if people do not feel for the suffering of others? But what makes it a right for a human being to terminate his own life when we are not the Creator of that life?

Because this is the century which talks to you about “free choice” in the illusion matrix of freedom where “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” Because this is the century where it is all about doing what I deem is right for me, how I want it, where I want it, and when I want it.” It’s all about “human rights, individual rights” which is leading us to chaos.

But it seems that in such a godless century, which is what it is, godless, we do away with God and we take matters in our hands: we abort babies and we kill ourselves with the permission of the law, while suicide deaths are never talked about because traumas must be put under the rug. But “assisted suicide” is fine to be talked about – because it is legally accepted. It is government accepted. The State is now taking it into its own hands to allow its Plebeian Janes Doe and its Plebeian Peters Doe to kill themselves with its permit. After all, we are just entities for the State and when we die, we are just a Jane Doe and a Peter Doe.

I will tackle euthanasia in another piece.

It always boils down to votes and agendas dear readers. If the politicians decide that votes will be gained with the introduction of assisted suicide, then they will make it happen. In this case, if there is no gain for them, but the agenda states so, then assisted suicide will be soon on the round tables of debates while the politicians’ left hand, the media box and the radio box, and their right hand, the media, will start bombarding you with one-sided narrative so that you slowly accept it.

Why is euthanasia, like abortion, on the agenda? It is all part of population control and keeping the world population down. Moreover, it will be a new world order where anyone deemed a useless unproductive consuming State dependant, has to go. The useless eater. What is deemed as ‘vulnerable’ and ‘weakling.’

The solution is for us to fight for our true rights: that of refusing to be pharmaceutical products from when we are born; that of refusing this shitty grid which is manufactured in such a way to make us sick because under Divine Law, we were born free; under Divine Law we were born healthy with a marvellous body which was divinely given the power to heal itself with a strong immune system; under Divine Law we were born to be alive and live a healthy life inside a healthy body which is at ease, not in dis-ease.

It is for these rights which we must be fighting for and what these Humanists Malta must be fighting for, instead of the right to kill ourselves, as Humanists Malta is pushing for.

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