Last Sunday, Communists took to the streets in Philadelphia to promote their cause while brandishing the sickle and hammer flag

In Philadelphia, the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA), a recently established branch of the global Revolutionary Communists organization, wrapped up their inaugural Congress. After last Sunday’s event, approximately 500 communists took to the streets and marched across the city of Philadelphia to promote their cause while brandishing the sickle and hammer flag.

The protest brought attention to the existence of communist ideas and practices in the US, especially in educational institutions. Strong feelings and controversy were generated by the public display of the hammer and sickle flag, a symbol linked to crimes committed during the Soviet era. In an official statement, the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA) described their objectives and reasons for founding a new political party whose mission is to unite communists throughout the country. The RCA claims that after the Soviet Union fell, the capitalist class declared that a new period of wealth had begun, announcing that this was the last triumph of capitalism. The RCA contends that instead, the last 30 years have been characterized by political unrest, environmental degradation, conflict, and economic crises.

The RCA’s statement highlights how living standards have fallen since the early 1970s, when the post-World War II period of capitalist stability came to an end. They cite a poll from 2023 that reveals 20% of youth believe communism to be the best economic system, indicating a growing disenchantment with capitalism.

The RCA demands that capitalism be completely overthrown and that a socialist revolution be instituted. They condemn progressive socialists who have embraced capitalism, such as the Democratic Socialists of America, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Bernie Sanders. The statement emphasizes the necessity of a professional, disciplined organization with roots in unions, campuses, working-class communities, and workplaces.

“With a presence in over 30 US cities, the RCA aims to build a revolutionary communist organization from coast to coast. They draw inspiration from the Russian Revolution and the ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, advocating for the formation of a party ready to launch revolutionary activities at a moment’s notice.”

“The RCA urges those who identify as serious communists to join their cause and help build a new society. They emphasize the potential for human progress hindered by the capitalist system and call for collective action to end capitalism once and for all.”

In less than ten years, Black Lives Matter (BLM) evolved into Antifa, and then into Communists. Will Fascists also emerge? It feels as though a revolution is brewing on the streets of America.

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