Jason Azzopardi, the ‘ostru’ who uses the death of Stephen Mangion as a means to an end to distract the masses from the evil killing spree agenda of the Covid-19 vaccines

Time goes by so slowly while you toss and turn while you read the post of the biggest imposter in this territory – that of none other than the PN Jason Azzopardi of the PN Galizias of the deadly Covid-19 vaccines of the PL Dr Fearne.

As the typical grandoise narcissist, PN Jason Azzopardi of the PN Galizias of the deadly Covid-19 vaccines of the PL Dr Fearne, is not accompanied by an accurate sense of his abilities while lacking empathy with a proclivity for lying, of course.

Here is his post:

[Today I confirmed that the police officer who yesterday died of a heart attack after he went crying for help and he was left waiting, had gone first to the Floriana polyclinic. So understand: a middle-aged man went to the Floriana’s polyclinic, sweating, with a chest pain. They told him: you have to go to Mater Dei’s Emergency, not here. They sent him away and he had to go with his own car. They didn’t even take him with the ambulance.

Don’t an ‘ostru’ come and dare tell me that this is not an involuntary homicide (manslaughter)!!!

I am making an appeal from here: whoever has any information about what happened, what he saw and heard, is to speak to a lawyer so that he witnesses in a magisterial inquiry that is underway.

You stole everything from us. You stolen our addresses. You stole our money. You stole our future. Now you are killing us because you don’t care.

You are a cruel government.

Let’s go down to the streets. There is a need of change.]

I still has to come across someone as dangerous and hypocritical as him in this country. How can his followers endure him and applaud him is a mystery that no archeologist would manage to find in any Egyptian pyramid.

So, the former PN MP who was involved in all sorts of land scandals, and who is one with Big Business, lashes out at the government for stealing our money.

So, this law-breaking court privileged lawyer, who suffers from a multiple personality narcissistic disorder, is now showing you more personalities of this disorder. As the typical covert narcissist, he now comes forth with his ‘desire’ for justice while engaging in projection. What he doesn’t tolerate about himself, he is in this case, projecting onto the government because he needs to ‘discard it’ to feel good about himself. Is Azzopardi exhibiting behaviour consistent with sociopathy?

Azzopardi is also a malignant narcissist – the most toxic and aversive type, with a psychopathic overlay. He is the Dark Triad [psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism] or Dark Tetrad [psychopathy, Machiavellianism, sadism, and narcissism]. The typical malignant narcissist is a political and manipulative person who lacks remorse. Azzopardi has an exploitative nature, and his goal is just to damage Malta. As the malignant narcissist that he is, he not only bends and breaks the rules and the law, but he also abuses of his power. Azzopardi sees people as disposable and a means to an end.

Do you think he truly cares about the death of Stephen Mangion?

Cruel government? Azzopardi dares speak of cruelty? Why is it the ones with dirty hands who point fingers?

When he talks of a change at the end of his post, does he mean bringing the PN to power, as the Establishment is trying to do? Wouldn’t it be better if we throw both of these traitorous parties out, once and for all?

Mater Dei is overcrowded because of two main reasons: the migrant invasion and the pandemic of the vaccinated. Who are the parties who permitted the migrant invasion of our once peaceful country? The PN with the staunchly pro-European Fenech Adami who was fundamental for Malta’s accession to the EU; the signing of the Lisbon Treaty by Gonzi and the signing of the U.N. Migration Pact by Joseph Muscat and its recent amendment by Robert Abela.

Who are the parties that coerced the masses to flock like herd at the door of the slaughterhouse to be pricked with a deadly and experimental needle? The government, with Dr Fearne as Health Minister while the PN never came out warning the masses! Instead it tagged along, with the Galizias involved in their importation, with others investing in their shares.

So now Azzopardi want to talk and instigate the people to go down to the streets to protest? Where was he when truthers protested against the lockdowns and other Covid-19 measures? Where was he when many, like myself, warned the people against these deadly and experimental vaccines?

Oh don’t you dare think that he didn’t know! Azzopardi never came out writing a post about his vaccinated status, didn’t he? But there are the Galizias involved in their importation, the same Galizias who also refused to help people in distress like myself when my dad was being killed with the Covid-19 protocol.

But instead of Azzopardi pointing all the agendas to the masses, unravelling all the evil agendas that are being perpetrated on the Maltese nation, he diverts their attention to the fact that Stephen Mangion was not attended to by neither the Floriana polyclinic nor Mater Dei, which I fully condemn, instead of asking what has caused a man in his early fifties a heart attack!

Truth always wins but unfortunately, compulsive liars like Jason Azzopardi have their turn first. Azzopardi thinks he is a streetwise rising Hercules fighting the rising odds. No, dear masses. He is no white knight upon a fiery steed. He happened to also be a communal narcissist, making you believe he is wholly engaged in the community, with the pursuit of bringing a change by bringing down a Globalists’ governing puppet so to put instead another Globalists’ governing puppet. What an illusion. What a lie.

The global agenda that the PN and PL were all involved in, at the front and behind the scenes, including those who invested in shares of these deadly and experimental vaccines, is now smearing blood on their path. And Azzopardi is also spreading this blood, because there are prominent people he needs to cover up for.

As the typical hypocrite, he wants to not only appear as virtuous as possible before others, but he also wants to convince himself that he is a virtuous man.

For Azzopardi, the people, like Stephen Mangion, don’t matter. His societal functioning only serves to dehumanize people and treat them as a means to an end. Azzopardi uses the story of Stephen Mangion as a means to an end. He wants to distract you from what is causing all those heart attacks, among other fatalities.

To all those who follow him, the most important factor to consider is his motivation behind his ‘altruistic behaviours and actions,’ so to speak.

Jason Azzopardi is just another ‘ostru’ who preaches integrity from a den of corruption, which makes him a very bad and dangerous candidate, vouching for stagnation in this country.

Azzopardi, sod off! We don’t want to hear. We don’t want to hear you speak. Yours is the same tune which we have heard it all before. Don’t you dare be another ‘ostru’ that explains himself because talk is cheap. There are so many evil agendas going on which you never address – instead you tag along with all of them, including the ambush pandemic. Yet your tongue keeps moving baloney because the masses make it so convenient for you.

Azzopardi, sod off! You’re the kind of political, prominent, dangerous person who would cut down a tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for trees conservation. The masses are not to excuse your behaviour unless they want another ‘ostru’ to take them for a freedive while they gasp for breath while that same ‘ostru’ is enjoying the front row seat watching them struggle.

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