Is Robert Abela’s blanket ban on taxi and food couriers a way to prepare for the takeover of AI in the workforce?

“In an interview with Malta Daily, Abela was asked how he intends to address Malta’s overpopulation problem. He repeated his statement that the government will soon become more selective on the type of foreign workers it allows, although he once again stopped short of clarifying which jobs he is alluding to.” I am quoting from Lovin Malta’s article here.

This is au par with what Alexiei Dingli, the Professor of Artificial Intelligence stated in TOM’s article. This was discussed in a piece published yesterday on this site.

However, Robert Abela “did say that he intends to invest in AI and robotics to substitute the use of a substantial amount of human labour.” This is the takeover of AI.

“Only workers required by the labour market will be allowed to come, while we will invest in economic niches that burden the infrastructure as little as possible,” he said. “This means economic niches where the use of AI and robotics can substitute many, many workers that the country can do without.”

“Abela didn’t clarify which jobs he was referring to but said a labour market analysis by JobsPlus should be concluded in the coming weeks.” The blanket ban on taxis and food couriers followed.

However, Abela “did stress that he wasn’t advocating for degrowth,” meaning, that Malta will remain inundated with foreigners.

“We can never shrink the economy or job opportunities, but this is a challenge we must address and we cannot maintain the same level of population growth we had in recent years,” Abela said.

In a historical unprecedented period where we are having a worldwide depopulation agenda, AI will fit in so perfectly. Not so many humans will be around to do certain jobs. However, Abela must explain the banal opposite duality in this logic of his: Malta cannot maintain the same level of population growth and yet, he wasn’t advocating for degrowth since only workers required by the labour market will be allowed to come, or imported that is.

“Abela said that this blanket ban will do justice to Maltese workers who had purchased a car to operate in the sector but whose earnings dropped significantly, sometimes below the minimum wage, due to increased competition from foreign workers.”

Considering that we have autonomous robots manufactured by “Curious solutions for Logistics and Warehousing” for sorting and delivery in a new nearby future of unmanned couriers, I would like to ask Abela if this is the true reason or if the Labour government is paving the way for the takeover of AI with automation. In such a case, putting the cause of justice on behalf of Maltese workers is a sugarcoated lie which truly, does not speak justice for the Maltese honest workers.

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