Instead of addressing important matters, the Lisbon Treaty only considered economic growth by means of migration

The image at the end of the article highlights a depressing fact that has been creeping up on us lately. Even more tragically, the Lisbon Treaty was supposed to remedy this; instead, they only took economic development into account when determining migration patterns.

To make things worse, due to various factors we are also becoming infertile.

With a birth fertility rate of 1.14%, if we continue in this direction, we will die extinct. Sadly, we are the worst of all the European nations in this shared faith! At such a rate, not only we will become a minority in our own country, but we will become extinct. While Europe sanctions others for the sake of genocide and to feel good, it chooses to forget that the progressive, individualist structures based on capital are leading to internal extinction.

If we are truly ‘pro-life’ we should nurture biological models that help procreation and not LGBT ideologies that lead to the extinction of the non-Muslim race.

There are strategies available to turn this faith around. However, doing so requires first determining the underlying reason of the problem and the primary cause of this is the industrial revolution.

Since the beginning of this era, we have become stagnant. Have we made progress? Of course we did; the third industrial revolution is currently underway, and the fourth is on the horizon, or maybe the fourth is already here.

Now we must think. We must think as individuals and as a society as a whole.

We would have attained pure contemporary slavery if we were to enter the fourth industrial revolution, and our extinction would be certain.

To tackle this plague, while also aiming at changing this life of slavery and extinction, we must create something anew and hopefully Malta and its people will become a beacon of light and at the forefront of this fight for the sake of our children, future generations, Europe and the whole world.

We must offer a new sense of freedom, liberation, hope, and prosperity in a new beginning.

Currently, we just need to stand firm and refuse to comply. Whatever happens next, we must not comply.

The Maltese people need to wake up to what is happening, instead of sacrificing their children to their holy politicians whom they fail to question. The Maltese people need to wake up and take back the lost sense of belonging and pride in achievement. The Maltese people need to wake up and honour their ancestors. They should stop selling themselves in return for a lousy rebate cheque.

In addition to denying that they are working together to permanently destroy this once-sovereign nation through abortion, euthanasia, and total demographic replacement, people are still arguing over which side is better—PL or PN. In the near future, your two beloved political prostitutes will also agree to close down the few remaining farms and small plots of land on the island for construction in order to bring in more cheap labor from third countries.

Don’t cry for me Malta. The truth is, I never left you. All through my wild days, and my mad existence, I kept my promise to defend you. Don’t keep your distance. I never invited in what was done to you. They’re not the solutions we were promised to be. But wherever I will go and wherever I will be, the answer is always in you all the time, my once beautiful island. I love you and hope you love me.

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