In the scripted script of the Olympics, Imane Khelif is suing an author and the owner of X. What will the consequences be if he wins the case?

J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk might serve five years in prison in a French cyberbullying case brought by Olympic Boxer Imane Khan. In addition, if the Olympic boxer from Algeria prevails in his criminal case of “cyber-bullying,” they risk a punishment of up to £214,000. Elon and Rowling are accused in the French case of spearheading a harassment campaign against Khelif, who faced backlash over his participation in the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Khelif filed a lawsuit after receiving widespread criticism over his gender eligibility after winning the gold.

It’s all about money and where it can be generated most.

Will the defense demand testing so that the subpoena are served?

I am surprised the women boxers who fought this charlatan athlete have not yet filed a class action lawsuit against this charlatan athlete and the IOC! There are law firms that would take on cases on a “No Win, No Fee” basis!

If this frivolous case proceeds lawyers for the defendants will demand genetic and blood tests and that will prove what everyone already suspects, which means this case won’t proceed. The athlete appealed when the IBA disqualification came through in 2023 banning the athlete from competing in the Women’s World Championships but then at the last moment pulled out and didn’t proceed with the court case. Why? Because Team Imane realised a new eligibility test would be demanded by the presiding judge. And, more importantly, they also knew by then that the IOC’s only test for boxers is the gender declared in a passport. And that gender is based on birth certificate and at the time of birth DNA testing is not conducted to determine XX or XY and whilst then the baby might have looked like a female at that time, when puberty arrived, it then would have become apparent that something was amiss as breasts never developed, etc. Only then a doctor would request a DNA test and it would be determined that there is a genetic defect and the subject is XY with Swyer syndrome, which was covered up or the test was never done and it was hushed up by the parents out of fear.

Or will it be a Crocodile Dundee hilarious test which will make sure to give the world the assertion of the lie that Imane is a woman? Everything is possible at this stage in a world which has become a stage, with playwrights and players.

Speaking of players, are J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk part of the players? Paid-for maybe? Why am I stating this? Because if they lose the case, Elon Musk is the the owner of the social media app X. If he is found guilty of ‘hate speech’ how will this decision affect the entire freedom of expression and freedom of speech on X and its users? How will a decision against J.K. Rowling affect other authors and the book industry? More censorship?

What a yakky yak yak show. The moment this online censorship has its hands tightly gripped on us, whatever we have of the remaining freedom and liberty are the next to go.

I am sure that the problem with the majority of the world was not about Imane being a trans, but about him fighting women. There wouldn’t be any problem with trans clowning on the streets of New York, but having trans engaging in physical combat with women is a no no.

Isn’t it strange that with all the people poking fun at him or her, whatever you want to call it, Imane is only suing billionaires?

X (Formerly Twitter)