Imane Khelif: part of the scripted Olympics script meant to trigger you – the mainstream media

In the ongoing divide and conquer strategy, the woke mainstream media of the woke madness, woke dogma and woke rubbish has put the masses in yet another divide and conquer strategy and set them up for another debate: if Imane Khelif is male or female, because the media is promoting other agendas in the Olympics instead of promoting sports and sportsmanship.

It has been stated that Imane was always considered a woman by himself and anyone around him, and seems to be a rare case of an unusual development. Those calling Imane a man are being called racists, transphobic, and that they are fuelling a slander campaign. Others believe that this is not a trans issue because Imane is not transgender and that thus, Imane was put under a wave of transphobic abuse online.

The divide and conquer strategy continues while the pawns being played fail to unite so to fight the real enemy. All the people have to do is put all this context in that of the LGBTQ agenda.

Such a disgrace to read some comments of women defending “Queen” Imane saying that women’s bodies produce testosterones too. Of course women’s bodies do, but their main sex hormone is estrogen which is produced at a larger amount inside females than testosterone. Generally, women’s bodies make about 1/10th to 1/20th of the amount of testosterone as men’s bodies.

The mainstream media is yet again the culprit and rest assured that it was all a scripted script that it was given for it to publish, again! This time, it has given the people mixed reporting so to keep them confused. And the masses are yet again allowing the media to do the thinking for them. Because this is yet another scripted propaganda which is not designed to fool the critical thinker but rather to provide a moral excuse not to think at all! Because this is yet another scripted confusing propaganda where one does not even know what to believe anymore.

So, let us put matters into perspective and do some critical thinking and filtering.

Imane Khelif was prohibited and banned from competing against women during last year’s World Championships “due to being deemed biologically male.” This is what was even reported by the Daily Mail: “Revealed: What Italian opponent of ‘biological male’ boxer at centre of Olympics row told her corner after she WITHDREW from fight against Imane Khelif after just 46 seconds in Paris.”

In another article, the Daily Mail wrote: “Olympic women’s boxer Imane Khelif, who triggered an international gender row by demolishing her opponent in 46 seconds yesterday, has spoken of her ‘bravery’ at overcoming a life of adversity to reach the top of her sport. The ‘biologically male’ athlete told how she rose from selling bread on the streets of her Algerian village to become a sporting hero – after a coach turned her to the sport due to her ‘physical qualities’.” How can someone who is referred to as ‘biologically male’ be called a ‘she’ and a ‘her’? They are normalising the ‘I identify as’ pronouns ideology and inverting God’s natural order.

The Times of India also called Imane a ‘biological male’.

Then the media flips topic, and suddenly comes out stating that Imane is a woman. Notice the headline again by the same Daily Mail: “Inside the tough childhood of ‘biologically male’ boxer Imane Khelif whose 46-second demolition of female rival sparked fury: How she sold bread on the street for cash and was told the sport was ‘only for men’ but wanted to ‘show what a brave woman I am‘.” Notice how the media is playing the gender ideology propaganda, using the pronoun ‘she’ to refer to Imane, a ‘biological male.’ Can you see what the media is doing? It is normalising the liberal choice of pronouns in this woke madness where one can choose to identify oneself to whatever gender and pronoun one chooses to be, which is unnatural.

What the media is also doing is leading the people to be sensitive for and of those who identify themselves at whatever the rest is outside a man and a woman. The LGBTIQA+XYZ, are being accommodated regardless of the possible consequences and welfare of men and women. In many ways the Olympics opening ceremony expressed more than a subtle hint of how things will be. This is western wokeness, western woke dogma, western woke rubbish. We can write about all this woke mess forever.

The media then shows pictures of Imane as a child:

Isn’t this a boy?
Not very girly isn’t it, unlike the other girl wearing a pink dress!

It is important to remember, dear readers, that the Left and its media will always defend Arabs. According to the Arab Barometer survey, 99.1% of Algerians identified as Muslim, 0.4% as Christian, 0.4% as no faith and 0.1% as Jewish. In 2022, Freedom House rated Algeria’s religious freedom as 1 out 4 and in 2023, the country was ranked as the 9th worst place in the world to be a Christian. Considering the unholy alliance between the Left and the Islamic world, what the media is also doing is manipulating the masses’ subconscious to sympathise with an Arab, a Muslim, because of the unholy alliance between the Left and Islam.

The most important question to make here is why was Imane banned in last World Championships? Because it’s a man!! Why is everyone splitting hairs about this person? Those who are defending Imane, are using the argument that he was born a girl and has XY chromosomes. If he has XY chromosomes, then he’s a man!!! So, we cannot call him a man because he calls himself a woman?? Well, I tell you, he will never represent me as a woman! If you have XY chromosomes, you’re a man, for athletic purposes and other purposes.

So, he was banned from competing in international tournaments last year and yet he was allowed to participate in the Olympics so he can fight female boxers. He failed the ‘gender eligibility test’. Do you know why he failed? Because it’s a man!!! What is this test about? This is an insult to the human race!

But then the media reminds the people that Imane has lost to nine women in the past which makes him a woman. So subconsciously, the shift in reasoning would be one which puts forth that a woman can never beat a man in sports so if Imane lost to women before, then he must be a woman because no woman can beat him. Can you see the duality?

What the people should be asking are: “Does the person in question have monthly periods?” “Can the person in question get pregnant?” “Does the person in question have a uterus?”

We have to realize that most people don’t really give things much thought. They read the media and they never realize that, if they flip among the news portals, all of them are providing the same news. Obviously, all from the same source. To those who are aware, this is shocking. It’s shocking to learn that they have the truth staring them in the face and they allow the media to do the thinking for them.

“Predictive programming is the power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome” Alan Watt.

Do you see a woman?
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