Imane Khelif: part of the scripted Olympics script meant to trigger you – the IOC

The International Olympics Committee (IOC) put a man in the boxing ring with a woman. But this man denies he is a man. So does the media. They insist journalists use she/her pronouns when referring to the male boxer who hit Carini harder than she’s ever been hit in her life. Angela Carini’s helmet was dislodged twice. After 46 seconds, she forfeited the match, breaking down crying, and lost her chance at an Olympic medal.

It is unbelievable that they bring in tolerance, acceptance and respect because now we are living in an age where you cannot write/say anything or else you are deemed offensive, homophobic, transphobic, and guilty of ‘hate speech’. Because today’s world is hypocritically about inclusivity and discrimination, at the expense of men and women! We must state the facts: a man is now allowed to be an athlete in the women’s category. It must be common sense. All one has to do is look at Imane’s features and anatomy. It’s not rocket science.

So Khelif failed a gender test [and if you are a woman, you do not fail gender tests] in the last World Championships by the International Boxing Association (IBA) but here comes a different governing body for the Olympics to allow Imane to compete, even though he failed the gender eligibility test. The IOC has also come up to the defense of Imane and made it clear that there is no evidence suggesting she is transgender or intersex.

Mark Adams, the IOC spokesperson is on record stating:

The testosterone is not a perfect test. Many women can have testosterone which is in what we would be called ‘male levels’ and still be women and still compete as women. So, this panacea, this idea that suddenly you test, do one test for testosterone, and that sorts everything else, not the case I’m afraid. This involves real people and we’re talking about real people’s lives here. They have competed and they continue to compete in the women’s competition. And by the way, this isn’t, should make this absolutely clear for everyone, this is not a transgender issue. I know you know that, but I think there has been some misreporting on this. And I think it’s very, very important to say that this is not a transgender issue. These women have been competing in competition for many years.”

So, the IOC stated that the testosterone tests were “not perfect”, and demanded respect for Imane, highlighting that she is a woman in her passport, and identifies as a woman. So because his passport nominated him as a woman, irrespective of which country he came from, then it is clear that one is able to ask to be identified as anything in one’s passport for a little bit of palm greasing! So, can I identify myself as a carrot and put ‘carrot’ on my passport?

Instead of the IOC going by passports and a gender eligibility test, how is this for an idea to do a DNA test to accurately find out so that we put this western woke madness and woke dogma to an end!

The IOC stated that many women can have testosterone which is in what they would call ‘male levels’. Really? Who gave the IOC the right to change a woman’s birth make-up? Why doesn’t it produce Imane’s birth certificate for all the world to see?

Saying that it is wholly unacceptable for someone with XY chromosomes to compete against someone with XX chromosomes is not in any way “transphobic.” It is not transphobic or harmful to refer to someone who has XY chromosomes as a guy. Fair play would be achieved if Khelif shared XX chromosomes with all competitors (except one – Lin Yu‑ting, the boxer from Taiwan).

Isn’t this yet again a propaganda targeted against women? This is how women are being disrespected in one foul swoop.

Aren’t they normalising anything outside the natural order, and God’s order? This whole drama about it/she/he/them needs to stop because it is sickening. They are normalising all sorts of whatever everything else is outside male and female.

The IOC is lying, is making up excuses, is doing the bidding of the Woke. It’s terrible that the IOC is attempting to conceal its wokeness under word salad.

The IOC is disgusting for allowing all this to happen and defending Imane. The IOC bosses who allowed a biological male to beat up female boxers in the name of the Olympic Games are clearly unhinged, inept, and corrupt.

In this fucked up Olympics, males with broad shoulders and muscles are being called ‘women’ and sympathised with. Considering how the opening ceremony expressed more than a subtle hint of how things will be, rest assured dear readers, that this story of Imane is all scripted. Everything that is being given to you is a pre-planned script. And this scripted Olympics has been politicised against humanity, meant to trigger you and to remove your focus from what is truly going on. All the world is a stage.

In this fucked up Olympics, beating women is a sport, but, hang on, dear ladies, because this is where our rights are heading.

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