Imane Khelif: part of the scripted Olympics script meant to trigger you – playing the sympathy card

The corporate media of the woke played the sympathy card when it came to Khelif, so that it tries to manipulate the masses’ emotions so that they can sympathise with Khelif.

“In an unearthed interview filmed ahead of the Games, Khelif opened up about bouncing back from her ban over elevated testosterone levels and declared: ‘I wanted to show the whole world what a brave woman Imane Khelif is.'” He definitely does not represent me as a woman and he definitely does not define for me what a brave woman is. Never and ever, on my dead body.

“Olympic bosses, however, quickly defended Khelif, slamming the ‘aggression’ and ‘discrimination’ from the public. Khelif shared the statement on social media and wrote: ‘Praise be to God. Divine justice.'” Of course. They are obeying the scripted drama and they will never dare oppose an Islamic country!

Quoting the Daily Mail:

“During the unearthed Canal Algerie interview, which also featured photos of Khelif as a young girl, the Algerian also told how she was inspired to go into boxing because of the ‘physical qualities’ her coach at school saw in her.”

“When asked by the interviewer why she chose to go into a sport ‘often referred to as a men’s sport’, Khelif replied: ‘It was pure chance, I never imagined one day that I would become a boxer and that I would become world champion.”

“‘I have always loved football and I played it in my little village. My father always preferred football to boxing. But I was very good at sports in my school and my teacher encouraged me to become a boxer since I had good physical qualities and he was right.” Definitely a man!

“Khelif said she ‘fell in love’ with boxing as soon as she stepped in the ring for the first time.”

“But the boxer described her childhood as ‘really difficult’, adding: ‘I come from a conservative region and family. Boxing was a sport dedicated only to men.'”

“She also spoke of having to travel between her village and the town where she did her training, adding: ‘These are obstacles that I encountered when I started.”

“‘I happened to sell bread in the street, I collected dishes and other objects to earn money and to be able to move around because I came from a very poor family.'”

The media plays the sympathy card. Many people have a tough childhood and a tough life, and from those people we find various athletes too. The media should have not pull this string! The media does so to stimulate an emotional response with a dip in the sympathy tank by the masses it is manipulating.

So, if this boy suffered during childhood, where he sold bread and had a hard life, is it why he punches women while pretending to be one of them?

Of course we need to sympathise and avoid judgment without looking down on anyone. Because it is this ‘looking down’ that makes us look that we have not healed ourselves yet. We have not healed at all and the epitome of our healing must be in reaching a place of deep compassion for the traumatized human condition. Others’ wounds, others’ paths. Imane’s wounds. Imane’s paths.

But in this unprecedented end times, there are more factors which we cannot denounce. The west media has deafened us with the LGBTQ rights propaganda and now they want us to sympathise with Imane, stating that he had a tough childhood and that he was born a woman. What happened to ‘love is love’ when it seems that now they are tasting a bit of their own medicine?

All this scripted story by the media is just a way to manipulate the masses and to make them accept the agenda that a man can claim to be a woman, that a human being can decide what gender to be, which is blasphemous and a crime towards the rights of the human race which push them away from the Creator and their purpose.

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