How to betray a nation, for dummies

PN and PL are Malta’s main enemy. There is no democracy and forget it that we are living in a democratic country. It is what they make you believe though and they both make you believe that they are fighting for you, for the country.

The EU is run by a Jewish European Parliament in which Europeans are not aware of what is going on let alone vote. You don’t vote yourself. You vote for MEPs to vote for you and these MEPs vote for agendas.

The MEPs parliament is obedient to everything according to how they are instructed by the lobbies and by the parliamentary groups they belong to.

Have the Maltese MEPs ever come out speaking about the threat that the Maltese people, including the Europeans, are facing with the invasion and the demographic replacement?

Have the Maltese MEPs ever come out speaking about the threats of the Green Deal, the CBDC, the Social Credit System, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the Climate Change Hoax, and more, so much more?

Shame on you, you rich man’s club! You do not even dare speaking the Truth about these real threats because it does not suit you and your wallet. Is this the democracy that you make the Maltese people believe they are living in?

Both PL and PN have always agreed with the globalist Agenda 2030 and this has been going on since the times when Lawrence Gonzi was Prime Minister up until Joseph Muscat and till this day. They have all signed the enemy’s documents: the Lisbon Treaty, the Paris Accord, the CETA Immigration Pact, and all the treaties and pacts you can think of. They signed all this without our consent and without having a debate with their political stations and the national station which they both hijack and control when in power, so that these matters are not talked about.

The Maltese people were never educated on what these documents contained and what they truly meant.

PL and PN make you believe that they are against each other, fighting each other, but this is the trick to keep you trapped in a hypocritical political duality paradigm. In reality, they work separately and against you together for the consolidation of an evil plan which will bring Europe in a state of absolute dictatorship. Instead of having some balls to refuse any clause of Agenda 2030, both political parties ended up in a competition of who will be the greatest ‘Yes sir’ amongst them.

If we truly had politicians who were there for the people, to serve the people, all the agendas are formally refused. Malta’s and its people sovereignty and the Constitution should must come above blackmail on an international level.

All this is tightly connected to the rampant corruption that there is in our country. It is extremely handy for tbhe WHO, the EU, the WEF, the IMF and the UN to have corrupt politicians so that they can in turn blackmail them.

Illegal and legal immigration is just one of the many issues that are being imposed on the people so that anything which will be left from democracy is eroded. The two most imminent dangers and threats, apart the risk of a Third World War, [albeit we are already in a war], are the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Central Bank Digital Currency [CBDC] which will give the European Central Bank an absolute total control on the individual’s money.

Both PN and PL base themselves on self-glorification. They are both on an ego trip. But they fight each other as if one is holier than the other. The holier than thou attitude. And yet, none of them addresses the threat of Globalism, because they agree with it.

We are in dire straits, in a do or die situation.

And yet the Maltese masses, oblivious to what is truly going on, keep on voting for these two traitors. And those who think they know, don’t even know.

If the Maltese people are not going to stand up and fight, but are going to remain asleep in a bed of anaesthesia, believing the globalist propaganda machine, then I am sorry to say – we do not deserve anything better. After all, the people get the government they deserve.

We have betrayed our ancestors who have died for this country so that we are given a better life.

We have betrayed our children because we are creating for them the worst future that ever existed.

We need to come together and axe all the snakes.

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