Does the Left Adore Militant Islam?

Did the Left fall in love with Militant Islam? Probably.

Ever since Hamas’ assault on Israel on 7th October, Leftist academics and activists came out in full support for the Islamic extremists. How can Western feminists and their supporters side with a culture of women repression? How could proponents of transgender rights support a culture in which deviating from gender or sexual standards is punishable by death? When Islamists appear to support everything the extreme left opposes, what possible connection could there be between them?

If we look closer, we’ll discover that radical leftists and Islamists are far more alike than we might think.

Well-known leftist academics like Judith Butler and Noam Chomsky have said that terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah are a part of the global left and have even expressed support for them.

When you strip Islamist extremism of its Islamic imagery, what’s left is a Marxist worldview, a battle for power between the exploiters and the downtrodden that calls for a revolution to put an end to. Resentment and humiliation are fed by and contribute to this worldview. It considers morality to be binary. This kind of view reduces everything to the dynamics of power. There are good and evil, colonizers and colonized, oppressors and downtrodden. It’s a totalitarian mode of thinking where all relationships between people are viewed through the prism of power dynamics and cannot be looked at from any other angle. Stated differently, both parties have a limited perspective of the world. Their issues serve as only vehicles for their revolutionary worldview.

Action is required and everything is rendered political, including language, art, love relationships, and even families. The just must purge the world of the unjust in order to establish a utopian society or new global order. At prestigious American universities today, this is precisely the kind of thinking that is taught to students. This worldview encompasses criticisms of a wide range of issues, including gender, climate change, health care, and racial relations. The Marxist Left has hijacked education, including the higher education.[Do you remember this site’s series about the Fabian Socialists who truly are Marxist Communists and how they infiltrated education and universities?]

Many people overlook the fact that secular political movements used to be the most powerful in the Middle East, especially in light of the growing influence of Islamic extremism in the region. Marxist-influenced leftist ideology was not only wildly popular but also succeeded in seizing power in the form of communism in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, Ba’athism in Syria and Iraq, and Nasserism in Egypt. Not surprisingly, the Soviet Union provided significant assistance and cooperation to all of these nations.

However, after losing the 1967 Six-Day War and failing to subjugate Israel, secular Arab revolutionary movements had to recast themselves. After that, they embraced Islam. The plan was to liberate the populace from moral constraints and utilize religion as a catalyst to enliven it. Essentially, they disseminated their ideology using Islam as a tool.

Sayed Qutb, an Egyptian novelist and philosopher who is regarded as the founder of contemporary jihadist thought and a prominent figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, was one of the forerunners of this movement. He was put to death in 1969 for trying to kill Gamal Abdel Nasser, the president. Prior to his passing, he played a significant role in converting Islam from its moral and traditional foundations to Marxist/Hegelian thought (Hegelianism being the predecessor to Marxism). Hegelianism is the collection of philosophical movements that developed out of the thought of the 19th-century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel whose philosophy placed ultimate reality in ideas rather than in things and that uses dialectic to understand the absolute idea behind phenomena. Google it if you want to learn about it.

Despite his opposition to Marxism, Qutb was greatly impacted by it. He saw the world as a war of life and death between Islam and ignorant societies known as Jahiliyah (pre-Islamic societies), which must be destroyed in order to establish a true Muslim community. In his brief book “Milestones,” published in 1964, Qutb described the jihadist ideology, methods, and plan. It’s an Islamic take on the political tract “What Is to Be Done?” written by Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin in 1902, which served as a model for the Soviet Union’s ideological development.

It was claimed by The Guardian that the U.S. forces had found books by Chomsky and Qutb in Osama bin Laden’s library at his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Additionally, Chomsky, Butler, and other writers who share this perspective—such as Michele Foucault, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, and Rashid Khalidi—are being read by college students. Because of this, videos endorsing Bin Laden’s “Letter to America,” which was released following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, became viral on TikTok in November of last year.

It is thus not unexpected that a large number of jihadists and extreme leftists believe that Israel is the root of all of the Middle East’s issues. Instead of being viewed as a sovereign state and a people making an effort to survive and thrive, Israel and Israelis are perceived as a continuation of European imperialism with the goal of oppressing the Arab populace.

Extreme leftists see Israel as the root of all evil and the height of injustice, evil, and as an oppressor, and any positive development it achieves is only a calculated diversion from its oppression of the Palestinian people. This perspective sees Israel and the Jews as the adversaries of all people, or hostis humani generis. A professor of history at Cornell University, for example, was “exhilarated” by the October 7 slaughter of innocent Israelis, and tenured professor Joseph Massad of Columbia University referred to the same attack as “awesome.”

Anything they do to further their cause is OK, no matter how brutal. For this reason, even though the Prophet Muhammad forbade such acts, Hamas is able to commit a savage slaughter against women, children, and the old, and three out of four Palestinians accept it.

Marxism and modern antisemitism have a similar framework. It frequently takes the form of the belief that Jewish riches and power are the root of injustice. In the late 1800s, the saying “antisemitism is the socialism of fools” gained widespread acceptance. According to some historians, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was aware of this and exploited antisemitism to increase his standing.

It is a common misconception among people that Marxism came to an end with the fall of the Soviet Union. However, Marxist-based ideas are still prevalent in Western institutions and left-leaning progressive movements.

Of course, there are insurmountable differences between Leftists and Islamists. For starters, Islamists are fervently religious, whereas Leftists are primarily atheistic. While some Leftists sympathize with Islamist goals, the majority of Islamists find their rainbow flag-waving ideological equivalents repugnant. However, that does not alter their common ideological foundations.

The Russians have a proverb that goes, “Everything changes, but nothing disappears.” Marxist interpretation of reality remained stagnant. It just assumed the role of the second-largest religion in the world and wore a mask of piety in the Middle East.

Does the Left adore militant Islam?

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