Do not conceive children if you do not want to raise them

Do not conceive children if you do not want to raise them.

Do not conceive children if you do not want to be a parent.

Children are lifetime commitment. Children come with sacrifices.

Some adults conceive children and bring them into the world without any sense of responsibility.

Adults must understand that it is them who brought the child into the world – the child did not ask them to come. The child does not understand and does not know what age his parents are, in what phase of their life they are, whether they are studying, whether they just started work, whether they are in a committed grounded spiritual relationship, whether they are married or not, whether they just had one-night stand, whether they are on drugs, whether they are alcoholics, whether they are poor or rich, whether they have a home or not.

Children are to be raised with love.

Children are to be raised with compassion.

Children are to be raised responsibly.

Be responsible before you bring a child into the world.

If you, woman, are pregnant; if you, man, got a woman pregnant, abortion is not even a choice. Abortion is an existential threat to humanity. Instead, be grateful that your own child is on the way.

The problem with today’s world is lust. The lust of the flesh. Lust is driving adults to shift priorities. The priorities today have become driving an expensive car, living in a mansion, going on holidays, eating out, going out naked and an endless list. This love of the flesh is destroying lives, values, and morals. Adults must break their bodies, and open the roof and refrain from giving everything that the body desires, all the time. The body and the lust must be disciplined.

If children are a consequence of your lust, it is not their problem. Deal with it.

If children are a consequence of a moment, it is not their problem. Deal with it.

Children are to be welcomed into this world from the minute they are born, loved and taken care of.

Raise children with the fear of the Lord.

Psalm 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

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