Diversity is our strength – they said, while the feminists are preparing for the next invisible vigil

21-year-old Columbian Fabian Medina Paira “was charged in court on Friday with attempted murder, grievous bodily harm, breach of the peace and living a vagrant life.”

The joys and pleasures of diversity. This is what they call “cultural enrichment.” A Columbian living among us who has no fixed address, and “living a vagrant life,” meaning that he wanders from place to place without a regular job; might be a beggar and a vagabond. Of course I feel sorry for the homeless, whatever the circumstance that led them to this stage, while still calling for the individual to do his or her part to come out of the pit. In no way do I want to sound that I am judging Paira because I am not. But, when you hear the lies “foreigners are working for your pension” and “it is all in the name of the economy” echoing in your eardrums, then one cannot let this fact about Paira pass. What is his contribution to the economy, and eventually our retirement, if he doesn’t have a stable address? Moreover, how did he enter the nation without a permanent address? The Maltese nation requires an explanation. But of course it’s a free country, with no border control measures, no inspections and no interrogations and with a Peppi here and an [Andrew] Azzopardi there and a [Jeremy] Camilleri here bamboozling you with the deceitful bullshit propaganda and the deceitful bullshit narrative of acceptance, tolerance and anti-racism.

Paira is being “charged with attempted murder in connection with a stabbing at a St. Julian’s beach that left another Columbian woman with life-threatening injuries after being approached by Paira and stabbed in her chest”. The joys and pleasures of diversity.

According to Times of Malta, “the victim, who did not know her attacker, was taken to Mater Dei Hospital in imminent danger of dying and has had surgery.  She was able to communicate with police on Friday to confirm she did not know the accused, who also did not know his alleged victim.” Why isn’t the victim’s name not mentioned? What a coincidence it is to have the victim and the accused being both Columbian nationals! Was it a random assault?

This is the second Columbian woman being attacked by another Columbian man this year. Last January 43-year-old Colombian Sandra Ramirez “was found stabbed in the bed of a rental apartment in Sliema. Police learnt of the murder when a 43-year-old Colombian man [Fabian Eluith Garcia Parada] walked into the Sliema police station at 6.15am and told officers on duty that he had killed someone.” This case had mixed reporting from the media and what was later transpired in court, without forgetting the amorous posts of Ramirez about Garcia Parada. This makes it unclear whether Fabian Eluith Garcia Parada is Ramirez’s former partner or not. It is still unclear what were the motives behind this murder and if it was a crime of passion or a femicide.

And what about this new case? Was the mysterious Colombian woman who was stabbed at the beach a random victim of Paira? Let’s just not hope that the court does not apply some reverse psychology and locks him up in a mental health facility. Let’s just not hope that those foreigners committing crimes in our island, are not given free accommodation in our prison paid for by the Maltese taxpayer money. Rather than housing him in our taxpayer-funded prison, the authorities are to issue a one-way ticket for his return to his home country so that he can be imprisoned there. And this should apply to any foreigner who commits a crime here.

Whatever the case, rest assured dear readers, that the hypocritical feminists are preparing for another invisible vigil. There is a deafening silence unlike the commotion they caused when Paulina Dembska was murdered after being raped by Abner Aquilina in January 2022, for whom they did a vigil. Ironically, Dembska’s case was not a femicide one. How hypocritical western feminists are. They operate via the pick and choose modus operandi.

All those that defend multiculturalism and diversity, should zip their mouth because whatever they say and whatever Europe says, the overall rate of crime in our formerly tranquil and safe nation is rising quickly.

It is time for the authorities to do a thorough research with a necessary seizure of such individuals and immediate deportation.

Malta is getting what it signed up for and it will continue to get what it signs up for each time it selects and elects its government with one predictable movement: blue or red paradigm.

Diversity from flooding with immigrants is not your strength. It lowers your wages, marginalises your culture, increases your crime, fills your hospitals, occupies your housing, ruins your schools, consumes your taxes, tightens laws, restricts your freedoms, endangers you and your children, and calls you racist for questioning and disapproving.

But these are the joys and pleasures of diversity, and what they call “cultural enrichment” because “diversity is our strength” – they say.

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