Covid-19 is so deadly that you can still win a bronze medal!

Covid-19 is so deadly that you can win a bronze medal. This was the case of American sprinter Noah Lyles who placed third in the men’s 200 meter at the Paris Olympics on Thursday even though he had tested positive for Covid-19 two days before the race.

But there is more to this story for which we should be asking questions.

Firstly, why were athletes submitted to the bogus PCR test when this test is not by any measure an accurate measure of this “deadly disease”? Wasn’t the whole world vaccinated with the “safe and effective” so that things go back to normal, which should also mean, that this test is scrapped once and for all? I am sure it was part of the rules and regulations to which everyone had to comply in this new world order of dictatorship. Moreover, I am sure that the majority, if not all, athletes, are vaccinated as they were forced to in order to be able to travel, keep on practising their sport which for these professional athletes turns out to be their profession and livelihood, and participate in competitions. The answer might be to keep on reminding to the masses that this “pandemic” is here to stay, this “virus” is here to stay and that the world cannot put its guard down.

Moreover, why are athletes testing positive for Covid-19, allowed to participate? Is it because they are vaccinated? And if they are vaccinated, then they should not be tested because we were told the vaccine is effective against Covid19. Isn’t “the effective” not “effective” to catch Covid?

There is only one international and professional athlete whom they put on display on all media portals who refused to take the vaccine but still was allowed to compete. This is Serbia’s Novak Djokovic who this year won his first gold medal at the Olympics. I have my reserves as to why we have this counter narrative in all this scripted drama. There are many reasons and two of them are: Djokovic was one of the heroes that needed to be supplied to the public and secondly, it is for the people to be unsure as to whether all athletes are vaccinated or not.

Anyway, back to Noah Lyles. Here is how Forbes puts it so to sell Covid-19:

“And after the race, Lyles revealed that he had tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday morning, just two days prior. It was clear that Covid-19 had affected Lyles’ performance in the race. His breathing appeared labored, and soon after he had crossed the finish line he received medical attention. This culminated in Lyles being wheelchaired off the track. Yes, the SARS-CoV-2 can catch even the fastest person in the world, namely Lyles who had earlier in the Olympics won gold in the 100 meters.”

Covid-19 is so dangerous that an athlete who has it can still participate but instead of winning gold, the performance was so affected that Lyles won bronze. This is how the media puts it.

Covid-19 is so dangerous that an athlete who had the chance of winning gold because he had won a gold medal earlier in the 100m in the same Olympics, was instead put on the bronze pedestal because he was tested positive for Covid-19.

Covid-19 is so dangerous that after pushing himself to the limit with a heart racing as a race horse, Lyles had to receive medical attention and was wheelchaired off the track. Was he vaccinated with the “safe and effective” which was what truly made him feel ill?

It is all just mockery and the continuation of this illusion and this big fat lie of a pseudo-virus and a pseudo-pandemic.

It is amazing what one can do with an imaginary virus, including giving to the world a stage on which it witnesses drama broadcasted on the illusionary box of the same visionary stage.

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