Communist Pope Francis from the Communist Roman Hub preaches to the audience that opposing the multicultural agenda is a grave sin

Satan has engulfed the churches. And those god-complexes who turned themselves into gods as they sit their arse on the throne of churches forget that they are to reflect Christ.

The Jesuit sitting on St. Peter’s throne of the Jesuits Hierarchy of the Illuminati cult skipped his weekly catechesis to indoctrinate and brainwash the minds of the general audience at St. Peter’s Square about the multicultural agenda. His appeal is one of welcoming.

“It must be said clearly. There are people who work systematically and use all means to reject migrants. To reject migrants. And this, when done conscientiously and knowingly, is a grave sin.”

He added that many of the migrants who arrive from Africa to Europe risk their lives during the journey and many die in the desert or become victims of human trafficking. Shouldn’t Bergoglio be calling human trafficking as a grave sin?

“In the age of satellites and drones, there are migrant men, women and children that no one ‘should see.’ They are hidden. Only God sees them and hears their cry and this is a cruelty of our civilization. It is not through more restrictive laws, it is not by militarizing the borders, it is not by rejection that we will get results. We will get them by expanding safe and regular access routes for migrants.”

Get a life! How dare you preach from the chair of morality when you know that this is an evil agenda, which is hurting both the migrants and the natives of a country! Get a life and step down if you are not ready to oppose satanic agendas and the Globalists. How dare you come through deceit and paint all this with a different brush and a different colour, to deceive the whole world watching you? May God have mercy on you!

Do you know what is a grave sin? Destroying someone’s homeland by mass migration.

Do you know what is a grave sin? Not fixing issues in the countries of origin of migrants.

Do you know what is a grave sin? Making cheap labour flourish thanks to migrants to the detriment of the natives while turning both into modern slaves.

Do you know what is a grave sin? The cruelty of the migrant communities’ home societies, where cleptocrats rule the country, nepotism replaces meritocracy, and dysfunctional cultures based on the caste system or Islam, or both, are prevalent.

Do you know what is a grave sin? Having migrants being a heavy burden on the infrastructural and medical system to the detriment of the natives!

Do you know what is a grave sin? The governments and all worldwide leaders and international organisations, including the U.N. which is behind this migration crisis with its pact.

Do you know what is a grave sin? Not defending the borders and not upholding control which is creating a pull effect, leading to the entrapment of the people who are being tricked into delusional expectations. Doesn’t the Vatican protect its border?

Do you know what is a grave sin? Pushing for this migration agenda, a migration on a mass scale which is destroying countries.

Doesn’t Catholic theology accept that our first responsibility should be to our own families, our own communities, our own land and so forth?

They all trumpet the same vomit: from governments, organisations, NGOs, the U.N., their mouthpieces to this fake pope.

Bergoglio skipped his weekly catechesis to push the multicultural and ‘diversity is our strength’ agenda and plot of the evil, satanic Globalists. Go back to the sentence. Repeat. Say it again loud.

Now who is committing a grave sin?

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