Cold Genocide, its definition, acts, and global implications

The replacement of Europeans, including us the Maltese people, is in its full leftist glory. We thank none other than the Left, the Communists.

The local government and the EU are committing a cold genocide on us, sponsored and paid in full by our taxations. This makes them the real racists.

In talks on Cultural and Ethnic (racial) destruction, the phrase “cold genocide” is acknowledged as a term that describes the methodical elimination of a group’s identity by covert and deceptive tactics.

It is crucial to comprehend the definition of a cold genocide, identify its deeds, and evaluate its ramifications because they affect legal frameworks as well as larger issues related to national security.

There is still no widely accepted definition of “cold genocide” in international law. Nonetheless, it’s frequently defined as a type of genocide that employs non-violent tactics like forced relocation, institutional neglect, and cultural and ethnic assimilation. Cold genocide, in contrast to the overt violence associated with classic genocide, occurs gradually, making it difficult to identify specific activities as genocidal and, most of the time, too late to stop it once it is recognized.

Acts of cold genocide include the purposeful destruction of a group’s social and ethnic fabric, language usage limitations, forced assimilation programs, repression of cultural and ethnic customs, and establishment of an environment intended to supplant the native people.

Understanding the devious tactics used by offenders to undermine cultural and ethnic identity without using overt violence is necessary to recognize these activities. When it comes to Europeans, the cold genocide that was imposed upon them was primarily caused by low political elements of “economic priority.”

Meanwhile, legislators enact legislation to further subjugate the indigenous population and force them to follow their wishes. The emphasis is on long-term tactics that threaten the existence and cohesiveness of the targeted group. We are living through a full-fledged post-World War II war on the European population, in which policy makers have been steadily preparing for the non-violent extinction of the European race.

Different international organizations interpret the current legal frameworks in ways that advance our understanding of cold genocide. These international organizations were all set up by the controllers to roll on the agendas of the same controllers. International organizations were set up to turn into enemy of the people. Human rights instruments like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) are used by the UN to address related issues. Furthermore, organizations such as UNESCO stress the value of cultural diversity and cultural heritage preservation. Consider how solely Europeans are targeted for harm and how their eyes are being blinded to the icy genocide taking place against them.

Cold genocide has a variety of effects for national security. Instability and conflicts may result from the loss of cultural and ethnic variety, in addition to the urgent humanitarian issues. Suppressed or erased cultural and ethnic identities lead to marginalized people reclaiming what is properly theirs, which can cause societal instability and possibly even a civil war. Furthermore, the loss of local perspectives will reduce a country’s ability to bounce back and adapt because it took generations for their attitudes to change, which made them more capable of creative problem-solving.

As was the case with the European Bloc, diplomatic ties may be strained if the international community fails to acknowledge and address cold genocide promptly. This is because abuses of human rights and the repression of ethnic and cultural groups may exacerbate tensions between states and continents. Furthermore, the effects of cold genocide transcend national boundaries since displaced and marginalized populations exacerbate migration issues and regional instability. You can utilize the whole continent of Europe as a case study. Views of Australia, the US, and the UK are also recommended.

In summary, comprehending cold genocide entails addressing its complex character, identifying small-scale acts that cause cultural and ethnic devastation, and collaborating with international organizations to resolve these concerns prior to the outbreak of hostilities. The implications of national security emphasize how human rights, cultural and ethnic preservation, and regional, national, continental, and global stability are all intertwined.

A cooperative and proactive strategy that places the preservation of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity within each region and continental worldview as a crucial component of both national and international security is needed to effectively prevent cold genocide from the outset.

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