BOV, the government’s too big to fail trough, another corporate power

Everything is connected, and everything is about money and power. It has nothing to do with whatever reason they give you.

Banks, which run a Jewish system of money-lending, and the bankers, are the problem and the main culprits of unprecedented evil in this slavery system of totalitarian control, which makes sure that honest taxpayers and honest workers of good faith are screwed from all angles. They are run like a casino making sure that the people are dragged down with a massive scale of gambling losses.

BOV, the government’s too big to fail trough – a corporation that keeps on making millions while breaking people’s backs and from a shady turnover, has now become another corporate power, while it sells itself to you as the Good Samaritan. No wonder it was described by the CHAIRman Cordina as the bank which “has always played a critical role in shaping the Maltese economy” in the age of the Economists’ bible where everything is about money, economy and power while they use the hook and line fishing method so people are caught with baited hooks, tied to a loan for never-ending years while they struggle to become free.

How do the banks sell themselves as being the Good Samaritan? With the usual setup of NGOs, for your benefit and wellbeing of course. B’min tridu titmellħu? A reminder that NGOs have become another way to channel and funnel the money.

BOV, a huge profit-making corporate organization has now set up a [non-]profit organization “aimed at primarily at benefitting Maltese society at large” because a top priority for the bank has always been that of “community engagement” and “corporate philanthropy”.

Yeah. Said the huge profit making corporate organization of philanthro[psycho]pathy and community enslavement with its huge home loan interest rates but which do not apply for the Green loans.

BOV will do a good thing for the Maltese society if it lowers its interest rates, big time. And this applies to all the banks. But they won’t and they don’t because they can’t and they will lose the business. But after their business flourishes while breaking the Maltese people’s back, they come back to you with a “new corporate social responsibility foundation”. Even the name should give you the shivers.

“Over the years, the bank has played an active role in making a positive impact on Maltese society, and the setting up of this new foundation is a consolidation of all these efforts. The purpose of the foundation is to implement the bank’s CSR strategy, which is based on five pillars: supporting vulnerable members of Maltese society, fostering quality education, protecting Maltese heritage, promoting ethical and responsible conduct, and speaking up for the environment” while you are slowly turned into a grateful midget suffering from deep, irreparable amnesia of all the corrupt facts that surround BOV, the new toothfairy.

And we are screwed. This is the continuation of the infiltration of corporate power, with the go-ahead of the Maltese government, in various sectors.

What do they mean by “promoting ethical and responsible conduct” exactly? Compliance?

What do they mean by “speaking up for the environment” exactly?

Is this the setup of an organization so that the Green Agenda and Totalitarian Control are consolidated through schools for example? We have been bombarded with climate change since my primary school days. What is the plan, exactly?

So much fuzzy language insomma. Tar-remettar.

Don’t be fooled. BOV is just another money power corporate vulture preying on you, waiting for you to die. It is conspiring against the people in these times of adversity. It is more self-serving than bureaucracy, more insolent than autocracy, and more tyrannical than monarchies.

If the people understood the banking and monetary system, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning.

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