Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Jesus washed us clean from every sin, every mistake, every error

“Listen guys, every human being came from Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I just don’t know where Steve came from. I have no idea. It looks like from Satan. We are Christians. We need to know what our Christian faith says. And what I’m saying – I’m not judging – I have the right to teach my faith to my children. As a spiritual dad I have the right to teach it. I’m not judging. I pray for everyone. Who does not believe in the Christian faith, or in Christ, I pray for them and I love them. And I cannot do, and cannot accept what the Lord does not accept. I cannot.

Jesus Christ is the ruler.

I’ll read it very quickly and I’ll conclude with this: ‘To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.’ Who is Him? Jesus Christ. Who is His? Jesus Christ, the ruler over every leader on this earth. So, Jesus Christ who rules over all the kings of the earth – to us, what is He? He loved us and He washed us from our sins with His own blood. Therefore why are we afraid of getting close to Jesus? Jesus Christ is the one who rules the world, is the one who loved us. Not loves us now, in the past tense, not the present. He loved us before he made us and created us. Jesus to us is all love. Jesus to us is all salvation and redemption with His own life. He put it on the line to give us life. With His own blood washed us clean from every sin, every mistake, every error. Isn’t he worthy of our love and respect? We need to come closer to Jesus my beloveds.

Read the Holy Bible. Stop using your iPhone and iPad. There was this dad who had three sons. One son put his hand up and said ‘I have an iPhone.’ The other son said ‘I have an iPod.’ The other son said ‘I have an iPad.’ And daddy, looking so miserable, put his hand up and said ‘And I paid.’ Stop being on the net, on Facebook and on Instagram and I don’t know what else is out there. Grab the Holy Bible and read. Become familiar with Jesus, of what He says and what He teaches. Use some time with the Lord. Make Him your friend. Make Him your friend.”

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