Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Jesus the Almighty, the Creator of Time

“If you read Genesis 1:1, in the beginning, Elohim created alpha and omega, the word created heavens and earth. But how does it start? In the beginning. The beginning is the time. Created heavens and earth. Elohim created heavens and earth. So how were they created? By the logos, the word. Through the word everything was created.

And then when you read in the gospel of John 1:1, in the beginning was the word, logos, and the word was with God and the word was God. So this is Jesus, the Creator, the alpha and the omega, the Creator of time, the beginning and the end. He is that He is, beyond everyone. But this mighty God who loved us, who washed our sins with his own precious blood. My goodness. How much does this God, who is Almighty, how much does He love us? He died for us. There is no greater sacrifice greater this. For someone, so holy, to put His life on the line for someone like me so filthy. This love cannot be expressed any greater than this.

‘And what he is, who was and was to come, the Almighty.’ I’ll leave you with this. When you read in the Holy Bible, you have these titles given to God. When you read it, it says on one hand that God is the All-powerful. In here, it says He is the Almighty. What is the difference between the All-powerful and the Almighty? All-powerful means every time you and I, I and you do something wrong, He will wipe us. He is All-powerful meaning He cannot accept one tiny little error, one mistake. The moment we break His word, He will wipe us from existence. This is All-powerful. And what is Almighty? Almighty means when we sin, through our sin, He brings something good. When we destroy things, He brings something constructive out of destructive. When we go into darkness, He brings light out of darkness. What is God in this essence? Almighty, not all-powerful. Almighty means He changes sin into holiness, darkness into light, death into life.

That’s one of the reasons God did not put an end to Satan. He left him even though Satan is doing a lot of damage. But He left him. Why? Because even from the damage which Satan does, God brings something good. God brings something good.

Coronavirus – it was approved by Jesus Christ. Otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. Whether it was done in the laboratory in China, the Americans say one thing, the Chinese say the other and they have been going at each other brother, sending these nasty arrows and pointing the fingers at one another and going full steam ahead to destroy one another and threaten one another. Just get a life. Get a life. The day you guys come back and surrender to Jesus, I can assure you, you ain’t gonna create no more viruses. Oh we know this virus was man-made and it was deliberate. And look what’s happening. Till now we are paying the price. But you know why coronavirus came? I’ll tell you.

Jesus is not happy with His children. He is not. We have walked away from the Lord. We started doing things that upset Him. We started saying things that disappointed Him. The way we chose how to live, it was against His will and against His wish.

Boys and girls, young men and women, my beloved children, I beg you, especially those who are teenagers here and even the young ones here, everyone is susceptible to making mistakes. We all get tempted. We all get, you know, drawn by people around us. I beg you, I beg you, I beg you, do not look at what other young men and women are doing and you start to imitate them. You are not them. They are not you. You do not belong to them. You belong to Jesus Christ. I beg you. If anyone comes and says, ‘Let’s have fun’ say, ‘Can you explain what fun is?’ Do you understand what fun is? If fun is lying to mum and dad and doing things behind their back, is that fun? Is it fun to dress up in an irresponsible and unreasonable way, to cut to show your body to the world? Is that fun? Is it fun to change your shape, your face? Do all this Botox and changing your facial countenances which God has given you and created – you’ve got big nose, be happy. You’ve got big ears, be happy. You’re not as gorgeous as Mariah Carey, who cares? You’re not Mariah Carey. Stop imitating them. You are you. Work on you and let your heart be beautiful to God, not your outer appearance. Your inner. From inside, be pure. From inside, be clean. From inside, be beautiful. Not just from outside.

You’re not meant to go and do things as you please. You are meant to do things according to Jesus, what He wants. Why? Because He loved us from the beginning. He washed us clean with His own blood. He purchased us with His own blood, which is His life. He wants you to Him, not to the world, not to your cousin, not to your friends, definitely not to Satan.

Don’t do things unless you tell mum and dad what you’re doing. Before you do them, tell them. If you can’t talk to mum and dad, talk to someone like me. Open up your heart and say, ‘I’m facing this dilemma. I’m facing this problem. I’m facing this obstacle. I’m facing this challenge.’ Speak up! Don’t be quiet and go hush-hush and start doing things your way because you’ll end up in a place I can assure you it’s not going to be comfortable. It’s not going to be comfortable.

They can teach you whatever they want at school. But you come to church and learn what Jesus wants. We all come from Adam and Eve. Adam and Steve are good boys but leave them alone. Social media – do not spend too much time on YouTube and Facebook and the rest. Not too much. And you need to watch what you watch if you know what I’m saying. You need to watch what you watch. You need to see what you are seeing and reading and exposing yourself to. Be careful my beloveds. Be careful.

Jesus is calling everyone, saying, ‘Come to me because you’ll never find anyone that loves you more than me. You’ll never find anyone that cares for you more than me. You’ll never find a friend so loyal to you more than me. You’ll never find someone that knows you more than me. I’m the only one that in me, you’ll find yourself and you will find everything and everything you lack and everything you need in me. You’ll find it. Not in anyone else.’ Come to church and have fun. But come to church. Have fun in the church under the banner of Jesus Christ. Don’t have fun in the street because the street is nothing but poison. It’s nothing but deception and lies. Don’t have fun with the so-called friends. You need to know your friends. You need to choose your friends. You need to pick them. You need the friends that will say ‘let’s go to church’ not to the street. You’ll need to choose the friends that will say ‘You cannot lie to mum and dad’ not the ones that say ‘Hey, you’re mature enough, you can do whatever you want, no one can stop you. This is Australia, brother.’

I love Australia but hey, this is not the way Australia teaches. This is the way I am using that ‘freedom’ wrongly. Let’s use this freedom in the right way. And that right way is the only way – Jesus says ‘I am the the way, the truth and the life.’ Let’s come to the Lord my beloveds.

‘I am the alpha, and the omega. The beginning and the end. No one before me. No one after me because I am the only true divine God who was revealed in the flesh and came to become a friend with you.’

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