Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Jesus is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end

‘And has made us kings and priests to His God and father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen.’ I will talk in a later stage for a different topic about He made us priests and kings to God and His father. That’s a long and very deep topic. Anyway, I want to get to this point.

Verse 7: ‘Behold, He [meaning Jesus Christ] is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him.’ He’s coming back with a cloud. What is in the cloud? Water. What is the Lord coming with? He’s coming with a cloud, meaning water. He is coming to quench the thirst of everyone who says I’m thirsty to you Lord. He’s coming to quench your thirst. Those who seek the Lord will be quenched. Those who say we are thirsty for the Lord, he’s coming with a cloud and he’s gonna quench that thirst and He’ll say ‘Here I am my child, you were seeking me, you were searching for me from the heart. I am the God of the heart. You seek me through your heart, you will see me in your heart. And then I’ll take you from there and I’ll put you in my heart. I will quench your thirst.”

‘And to Him be glory, and dominion forever and ever, Amen.’ He is the king of all kings. He is the leader of all leaders. He is the Lord of all lords and the ruler over all the kings of the earth. And His dominion, His authority, His sovereignty is forever. It will never end. It is forever.

Jesus, then, in verse eight, I’ll leave you with this, Jesus is saying, ‘I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end,’ says the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’ Look at this. Jesus is same as His dad, who is, who was and who is to come. Jesus Christ says ‘I and the Father are One. We are all One. I am God. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.’ This is the answer to everyone who claims to be a Jehovah’s witness or a Mormon. Open your ears properly. Because you claim that Jesus Christ is lesser than God, Jehovah. Well if Jesus in the Book of Revelation which you accept as well, says ‘I am the alpha and the omega.’ What is alpha and omega? Alphabetical letters. These are letters. I am the ‘a’ and the ‘z.’ My question: Is there anything, alphabetically speaking, is there anything before the ‘a’? Is there anything after the ‘z’?

Ok, if Jesus Christ is less than God, and Jesus says ‘I am the ‘a’ and the ‘z’. Now if he is the ‘a’ where would I put God if there was another God greater than Him? Where would I put Him? There is nothing before the ‘a’. And if he is the ‘z’ where would I put God after the ‘z’? There is no other letter. So, if Jesus is the ‘a’ and the ‘z’, he is God. If He is the beginning and the end, is there a beginning to a beginning? No! Is there an end to an end? No! It is either the beginning or the end. Nothing before it, nothing after it. And if Jesus says, ‘I am the beginning,’ if there was a God greater than Him, where would I put that God? No place for Him anymore. And if there was a God greater than Jesus, where would I put Him after that end? There is nothing after the end because everything ends with an end.

‘I am the alpha and the omega’ – letters.

‘I am the beginning and the end’ – time.

With letters, you make words. And with words, you profess and comes intuition. When we read in the Book of Genesis, ‘In the very beginning and God saw it was dark and God said let there be light,’ what did He say? Letters, words! So, when God said ‘Let there be light,’ light was made, was created because of those words that were said. So I am the alpha and the omega,’‘I am the word, the logos that everything was made through it and created.’ Through the words, things were created. ‘I am the alpha and the omega’ – the Creator.

‘I am the beginning and the end’ – I am the Creator of time because I put the beginning and I put the end. I surpass time. I am beyond the time and above it.

I am God.

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