Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Equip yourself with the Christian faith because what is happening in the world is no joke!

“I remember once this girl came to me crying, crying like a baby. There were rivers of tears gushing down her face. ‘Father, father, I’m destroyed, father.’ ‘What’s wrong my daughter?’ ‘My boyfriend left me.’ ‘How old are you my darling?’ ’16’. ‘How long have you known this guy?’ ‘Four years, father.’ I started counting backwards. Sixteen minus one, fifteen. Sixteen minus two, fourteen. Sixteen minus three, thirteen. Sixteen minus four, twelve! So, you were still drinking milk in a dummy? Guys, pay attention. If anyone comes to you and says to you ‘Don’t listen to mum and dad. Go out as you please’ do not befriend that person. If anyone says to you ‘You can do whatever you want, you’re absolutely free, this is Australia,’ they are lying to you. Lying!

Anyone that says it doesn’t matter if this guy chooses to be a male or a female or in between, it is a free country, we should love one another, same sex marriage is no different to any other marriages, we do not accept it because our Jesus says otherwise. Do not listen. Australia’s got nothing to do with the Christian faith. Australia’s got nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Australia’s got nothing to do with God. God will always be God. You cannot impose your laws and rules, as a government, on my faith.

How come an atheist has the right to attack me as a Christian and I can’t say nothing because he is in the right. Where is fairness? Where is justice here? Where is freedom of speech? Where is freedom of religion? I wonder. I’m saying this to every nation. What happened? You know what? We’re living in the end of times. The attack is against Jesus Christ because Satan is behind all of this. Satan will not attack Muhammed because he won him long time ago. Satan will not go after Buddha because he won him long ago. Satan will not go after Krishna because he won him and the 300 million gods long ago. Satan was overcome by one and was crushed on calvary. His name is Jesus. That’s why he will attack Jesus. And everyone who professes and confesses Jesus Christ will be attacked my beloved children. I know what happens at school. I know exactly what happens.

You need to be equipped in your Christian faith otherwise it is not a joke of what is happening in the world. They are brainwashing everyone. The social media platform is doing a great job in giving you nothing but lies. Lies. But Jesus will always remain the ruler over every nation.

Yes, in this country, you can go out and live on your own and no one can stop you. The law says parents cannot stop you. Someone like me cannot stop you. But I’ll tell you one thing. You go and live on your own and let me see where you’re gonna end up. Anyone that does not listen to Jesus Christ will end up in darkness, in a very bad place. Not every parent is a parent. Not every dad is a dad. Not every mum is a mum. However, just because some parents do not do what is asked of them to do as parents, that doesn’t mean that every parent is in the same scale. There are great parents. There are very good mums and dads with very great values in them, and principles and morals in them. And they want to raise their kids in the right manner.

But what is happening out there in the world, those kids are being bombarded with lies, lies my beloveds. Lies.”

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