Atheist Prof Andrew Azzopardi of the Church Media was on a Radio Programme selling Compound Ignorance

Last Friday I was driving around doing some errands and while going through the radio channels I came across a programme on which Prof. Andrew Azzopardi was the guest. Pardon me but I do not know which radio channel was it, the name of the programme, the host and whether it was live or not. The programme had already started and I decided to listen to the programme in whatever time I had left driving.

Azzopardi made some interesting statements.

He proclaimed he is an atheist but that he was still given space on the Church media RTK103, in the name of inclusivity of course. His Excellency Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna must have a really expanded inclusivity curriculum vitaes on board with so many non-Christian individuals working with the Church media against the Church. Azzopardi’s broadcasting programme on RTK103, has more followers than the actual number of people who truly have Christ as their number one preference who sits at their table. What is more important for Archbishop Scicluna is to be tolerant and inclusive with everyone so that Azzopardi’s programme enjoys more followers than the Church does while the hatred towards the clergy increases. This should not come as a surprise because Christ warned us that the Church will walk away from Him in the end times.

This is how infiltration is succeeding but which comes to you wearing the Inclusivity and Tolerance Costume. It is all Deceptive Art. What’s wrong you might ask? After all it is about respecting each other and forgetting the differences between us while we come together, no? If you don’t believe in a product, do you sell it? So what is the Church selling when it does not employ people who do not carry God in their heart and who are not warning people to get right with God?

The Church media is normalizing not holding God at your centre through its broadcasting and its media under the umbrella of “current affairs.”

Andrew Azzopardi also had something to say about the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony. He praised the artistic director [Thomas Jolly] for doing such a good job, and I quote him, for “putting Catholicism on the map of the world,” adding that this was “art.” Putting Catholicism on the map of the world? First of all, Catholicism does not need any marketing. What it needs is to preach God and the Truth. Secondly, is mockery the right way to put “Catholicism on the map of the world”?

A reminder that Azzopardi is an associate professor in the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, and was a former Dean of the same faculty. His lecturing and research focus on inclusivity and inclusive education among others. “His work saw the Faculty exploring principles such as fairness, forgiveness, empathy, social justice, diversity and inclusion.” A reminder that wokeism comes to you as “social justice” but is a false, deceiving concept.

Was he given a taste of his own medicine because tolerance and acceptance go both ways but with the parody of the Last Supper it was surely not tolerant and accepting of the Christian faith? Mockery and acceptance do not dine together. So Azzopardi had to find ways and means of how to show wokeism in a good light and as a self-proclaimed atheist as he is, he will definitely do the bidding of the spirit of the false prophet and wokeism is part of this spirit. Archbishop Scicluna must feel so proud to have an atheist on board who defends wokeism.

Thirdly, “art”? Prof. Azzopardi has a really bad taste for “art.” When are we going to draw a line between what is truly “art” and what is garbage? Azzopardi of the inclusivity and community wellbeing is one for all for having artistic garbage being included in society for the sake of inclusivity and community wellbeing when the type of “art” presented was not making justice to the true “art.”

He then stated as to how much he is guided by the works of some philosophers, mentioning Michel Foucault. Of course! I had no doubt about it. Foucault was a French philosopher, writer, literary critic, political activist, and educator. In his theories, Foucault mainly examined the interplay between power and knowledge and liberty, as well as how these dynamics are employed by various institutions to impose social control. Despite being called a structuralist and postmodernist frequently, Foucault disapproved of these classifications and strove to question authority without boundaries. Scholars in many diverse fields of study have been impacted by his ideas, particularly those in the fields of feminism, literary theory, criminology, anthropology, communication studies, sociology, and cultural studies. Foucault also campaigned against homophobia and racial bigotry, which have also influenced his research into critical theory and Marxism-Leninism alongside other topics. Moreover, Foucault was mainly influenced by another philosopher, Friedrich (Fredrick) Nietzsche, who was a renowned atheistic existentialist and who in the 19th century was highly critical of Jesus, whose teachings he considered to be “anti-nature” in the treatment of topics such as sexuality.

Having mouthpieces pushing certain idealistic ideas from only one branch of philosophy in these postmodern times where Communism is being consolidated so that it can get hold of all the world where evil agendas are being weaved and imposed on the people, in the name of “inclusivity”, “tolerance,” “acceptance,” “wellbeing”, “racism” and “diversity,” then it becomes clear the place and the space that Andrew Azzopardi is holding in our society.

A reminder that Azzopardi is given a lot of publicity by the media. Just google his name and so many articles come up. A reminder that Andrew Azzopardi had joined forces with another Azzopardi who goes by the name of Peppi who was also given a prime time programme on TVM which was highly watched by the masses for agendas to be slowly washed down their brains through predictive programming. Once given the glory of the end of such a programme, another Azzopardi hatched from the egg so that we are now glorified with another washing of the brains programme, this time through the radio frequencies. From eye hypnotic tell-a-lie vision to ear hypnotic tell-a-lie wavelength radio frequency.

When did the two Azzopardis join forces? This was back in 2021 when both came up with 100 prison proposals. Andrew Azzopardi, like Peppi Azzopardi, also called for urgent measures to combat sweltering conditions in prison. So many people living in poverty. Others are on the line of poverty. Schools do not have an AC, but a priority for Azzopardi is having a prison with AC. Do you realise that lately, with so many former inmates being given coverage on the media, the message is that having been in prison is heroic and that there’s nothing wrong in going to prison? Is this how our children are being influenced?

But in the programme Azzopardi said that he has often done work in prison and visits it. Even I did work in prison, locally and abroad where we came up with a new policy for CCF so that we have individuals who once come out of prison, do not fall back to their life of crime. This will benefit not only them but also the Maltese community as a whole. But we never mentioned AC in this country where these mouthpieces like the Azzopardis want to have some factions of society treated with privileges!

Azzopardi also talked about the Reds and Blues, the divisions in them, the popularity that Dr Abela is losing, and what can each do for improvement. The usual predicable narrative which does not teach the Maltese nation that whoever they vote, will keep them in the same loop.

The “cradle of wisdom” at Tal-Qroqq must be really proud. Academia is one with today’s agendas, colluding with the media and politics which together are not sowing good seed in the field called earth but are instead sowing weeds. But the time will come when the weeds will be collected, tied in bundles and burnt. The good seeds, which grew into wheat, will be collected and taken to the barn.

In lieu of all this, I am reminded of a statement that 33° Freemason and the founder of the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, Manly P Hall [please type his name in the search section of this site} had stated:

“The average person who goes to school has no idea why humanity exists. He has no idea concerning a spiritual factor in material existence. He has no general comprehension of the rules of life as these differ from the rules of social and political structure. He does not know where he came from. He does not know why he is here and he has no idea where he is going. And on this compound ignorance we offer degrees and make brilliant scholars of the people who have never answered any questions. It is one of these amazing things that we have created a great hierarchy of well lettered ignorance. We have made everything subservient not to wisdom but to the passing advantages of the hour. We are exactly in this position politically today.

It is straight from the horse’s mouth, dear readers, telling you what the system is doing. We all have been part of this system and we are all a product of this system. The greatest work you can all do is to manage to come out of it. In so doing you will become the real enemy – the individual thinker who managed to break through.

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