Another boxer fails the gender eligibility test but is allowed to compete in the Olympics. Truth staring you in the face!

Another boxer failed the gender eligibility test but was allowed to compete! Truth is staring you in the face. If you want to believe there are two athletes in the same sport, in the same Olympics, in the same year, that both have an exceedingly rare genetic disorder, then just keep on believing everything you read, and that both are women, and you will be fine.

So, yet again, we had “another controversial boxer who had been disqualified by the International Boxing Association (IBA)” defeating a female opponent at the extreme-Left Paris Olympics.

If he is another she, then can you please respect my decision to be a helicopter since in the world of the woke it seems appropriate that we can be seen as whatever we state ourselves to be? All we need to do is state it verbally. And did the IOC support this too? I know of a bus which identifies itself as a train, but it has an engine with a cardan underneath.

According to the Daily Mail, Taiwan’s Lin Yu-Ting faced Uzbek fighter Sitora Turdibekova and prevailed handily through unanimous decision. Turdibekova was spotted crying after the fight, and the fighters did not exchange high fives or handshakes as they left the ring.

Lin Yu-ting (red) beats female opponent Sitora Turdibekova (blue) at Olympics in Paris, France.
Lin-Yu-Ting was previously barred from the 2023 women’s boxing World Championship for having male XY chromosomes, meaning, that like Imane, he is a man!

So we had another repeat of the fight between Carini and Khelif. However, did you notice that the corporate media did not give much publicity and bamboozling of this story, unlike that of Khelif?

After failing the IBA’s gender test, which resulted in their disqualification from official bouts last year, Lin Yu-Ting is the second boxer that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has permitted to compete as a girl. They keep on mocking you while the truth keeps on staring you in the face!

But about Imane Khelif, we had the corporate media doing a lot of hype and that he is an XY hybrid which makes him a woman, but about Lin Yu-ting we had no same hype. It is evident that the media had the ready scripted script to not only politicise against the right to be a human through the LGBTQ agenda via Imane Khelif, but it also used Khelif to boost its engagement and audience so to make the Algerian Muslim male boxer popular.

And yet, both Imane and Lin Yu-Ting share some factors in common – both failed the IBA’s gender test and were disqualified from participating last year and both failed the IOC eligibility test. Why? Because they are both men! But, one is Muslim and one is from Taiwan, dear readers. Keep in mind the unholy alliance between the Left and Muslims.

“In 2023, the IBA ruled that neither Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting nor Algerian Imane Khelif could fight in organization-sanctioned fights because they failed the testing requirements to be classified as ‘female.'” Because they are both men!

“The IBA added that its rules were changed in 2022 to assure “competitive fairness and athletes’ safety.” However, the IOC decided to use the IBA’s rules from 2016 instead of the recent rules because the older set of rules allowed Lin and Khelif to participate as women.”

“After cherry-picking which set of rules it wanted to use to excuse the participation of the two controversial boxers, the IOC then came out to condemn the “aggression” of anyone who would question their right to compete as females.”

The truth keeps staring you in the face! If you want to believe there are two athletes in the same sport, in the same Olympics, in the same year, that both have an exceedingly rare genetic disorder, then just keep on believing everything you read, and that both are women, while you munch on bread in the circus and you will be fine.

Because this is all scripted!
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