Animal Welfare Ministry is a God complex institution

The Animal Welfare Ministry is another government institution run by incompetent people with a God complex personality. Such incompetent people think they know it all; think they are the experts; believe they are entitled to special treatment or privileges; refuse to accept constructive criticism; think they are superior and invincible because of their superiority complex; ignore the needs of others [in this case, animals] and take no advice from anyone.

The Animal Welfare Ministry is just another political institution which never had and does not have the true benefits of animals at heart.

The Animal Welfare shelter is not equipped with the right amount of resources, and not all officers are truly animal lovers. They are incompetent and were just given a job by Roderick Galdes when the ministry was initially set up. Very professional indeed. Imma l-aqwa li noħolqu binja u ministeru biex nagħlqu ħalq in-nies li jħobbu l-annimali li kulma jridu hi ġustizzja u li l-annimali ma jbatux. U li forsi jkollna poplu edukat li kif jara kelb, ma jersaqx mil bogħod; li t-tfal jiġu mgħallma kif iħobbu u kif jersqu lejn kelb u li kull min irabbi kelb irabbi b’mod li l-kelb ma jdejjaq lil ħadd u li jkun lest għal kull responsabbilta’ li din it-trobbija ġġib magħha! Imma qas hekk mhuma kapaċi jagħmlu dal-politiċi b’qalb li waqfet tħabbat ġo kontenitur mimli silġ imma li b’xi misteru, għadhom iduru fit-toroq tagħna fuq żewġ saqajn. Qed nitkellmu fuq l-imħabba bażika lejn il-ħolqien, imma anki din għal xi raġuni hi nieqsa minn xi hekk-imsejħa umani!

I have been to the Animal Welfare shelter. I could hardly take it and went out overtaken by a deep sadness coming from their huge cry for help. I burst out crying once home. But I did visit a few more times.

Dogs at the Animal Welfare shelter are literally in a prison. It is the worst shelter locally. They rot in pens facing each other for months and years. Some pens are in the dark, and they never see the light. There is no stimulation whatsoever. Their survival needs truly kick in for them to live in such a facility.

These dogs are walked for fifteen minutes a day by inexperienced walkers. The facility lacks professional dog walkers. Relying on young women and men who have little to no understanding of what it takes to handle powerful breeds is a no-no. The majority of the dogs at the Animal Welfare shelter require experienced handlers who can properly manage their strength and energy. The Director’s enforcement of rules, like for example, walking the dogs with two leashes, is very wrong because it ironically increases the dogs’ reactivity and makes them harder to control! But people with a God complex won’t accept any advice.

The Animal Welfare Ministry should have on board professional dog walkers who will in turn equip the staff with the necessary knowledge and skills that are necessary to manage the dogs effectively. Instead, this site is informed that when the staff was using different equipment that was beneficial for the dogs’ training, they were ordered to put a stop to it. People with a God complex won’t accept any advice.

The dogs at the Animal Welfare shelter are being set to fail from the start. No temperament testing is done which leads to attacks and bites. No wonder the dogs are frustrated and hyped. When dogs are not trained, exercised, socialised, and tested, with staff that is hardly trained and educated, the system is doomed to fail big time!

I have been to the Animal Welfare shelter. The dogs there are being raised in an overly affectionate environment, which can be detrimental to their mental health. While love and care are essential, it is also important to establish boundaries and provide proper training to ensure the dogs are well-adjusted and mentally healthy. The current approach fails to address these critical aspects, ultimately doing a disservice to the animals. But the people with a God complex won’t accept any advice.

The Animal Welfare Ministry should see to its adoption process. This site was informed that some visiting potential adopters were sent to other sanctuaries. This site was informed that some visiting potential adopters were mocked and laughed at while they were trying to walk a random dog given to them randomly which was actually walking them, while they were left to fend for themselves. This site was informed that some visiting potential adopters were just given a dog without being asked questions, or being given the possibility to roam around and decide for themselves. This site was informed that some adoptions go through only if the adopters are taken a liking to. If they are not liked, even when this is unfounded, they are not allowed an adoption. And there are no follow-ups once the dogs are adopted, except for videos and photos being sent to the person in charge. But if you dare give advice, the God complex two-legged human will look down on you, boast about experience and spits the lie that it’s how things should be done.

I have been to the Animal Welfare shelter and witnessed with my own eyes a couple being given a choice of three dogs from which it could choose from. I got to know that this couple had previously adopted another dog from AW but who had just passed away after two years in their care. The couple chose one of those dogs out of the choice given to them, visited AW on some days to spend time with this dog, took it home, only that it turned out that this dog became possessive over the husband, and started growling at the wife. The dog was returned to the shelter. I’m not blaming the dog. I’m blaming the grey areas that the shelter is not working on when it comes to dogs’ behaviour assessment, especially older dogs which end up in their shelter whose ancestry and past are not known. And I am also blaming the adoption process. Adoption is no joke and should not be taken with a pinch of salt. Instead of being presented with a choice, potential adopters are to be asked questions, guided, given time, and allowed to either choose the dog or very often it is the dog that chooses you.

When dogs are not trained, exercised, socialised, and tested, with staff that is hardly trained or educated, the system will go to total failure. And the dogs are being failed big time because they are the victims in all this, by all those who work in the Animal Welfare Ministry, from bottom to top, who have a God complex personality.

The government has failed the bully breed, and the welfare of all dogs in general, in the first place. Please visit the Facebook page of Association for Abandoned Animals to understand the huge amount of small dogs that end up in their care in such a neglected state. Abuse is so rampant behind closed doors.

Moreover, I am sure the politicians and the police know who the breeders are. We had the confiscation case of over 40 neglected and abused dogs from Birżebbuġa, remember? They know who are those who breed dogs for dog fights. They know when and where dog fights take place. It is just that nothing is being done especially when God complex personalities at the top surround themselves with God complex personalities at the bottom so that together, they create a criminal ring.

In lieu of the temporary ban on bully breeds, I would like to ask the ministry what is going to happen to the bully breeds in its pens? Has the government got the manpower to follow through on the law to suppress backyard breeders or is it just being done so that the public thinks that something is being done?

I will not ramble enough that this ministry is a bloody joke. Those that are meant to protect are again failing the dogs, because their God complex personality makes them lack empathy, are intolerant to any constructive criticism and advice; make them carry a high level of superiority and arrogance with an inflated sense of self and entitlement. Get a life and move out of the way and let the humble with a loving heart pave the way for a better, caring and loving world.

The Animal Welfare Ministry is a God complex facility causing the suffering of the innocent. This site, which has no vested interest in anything that causes suffering even to sentient beings, will always use its voice to speak up on their behalf and this site will continue to breathe heavily on the necks of those whose God complex is leading them to exploit others for their personal gain.

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