An important factor which the Feminists, the Women’s Lobby and the Media are deliberately not focusing on when it comes to Edward Johnston

Here is the information we get about Johnston by Malta Today: “In 2012, Johnston made a bomb threat in a restaurant in Glasgow. At the time, he had entered the restaurant, ordered two glasses of wine, and told the waiter that he had a bomb under his jacket.”

The BBC gave more detailed information. The waiter reported back to the assistant manager, who asked Johnston if everything was fine but Johnston replied that he wanted everything out, and he said this “very quietly, calmly and without any hint of aggression”.

“A fire alarm was then sounded to evacuate customers and the police were called, arriving about half an hour later. The restaurant was cleared with the exception of Johnston, who stayed sitting at his table. The court was told that owner Mario Gizzi arrived at the restaurant and unsuccessfully tried to talk him out of the premises. Armed police, a Royal Navy bomb disposal unit, fire brigade, an ambulance and police negotiators arrived at the scene to try to end the siege. A large section of Glasgow city centre was cordoned off causing disruption to traffic, pedestrians and transport, and Buchanan underground station was closed.”

During the negotiation Johnston repeatedly said he wanted the police to shoot and kill him.” It is quite similar to what happened locally no? I see this as Johnston’s wish to be killed – almost a suicide wish.

“One week before his Glasgow incident, Johnston had waved a fake gun in Liverpool city centre. He was believed to have told witnesses at the time, ‘I’m either going to kill someone or get killed tonight.'”

It is what he did in my country: killing a woman and then he got shot by the police. In fact, the BBC reported that in the Glasgow incident he had “told police he wanted to die and struggled so violently they had to put straps on his legs.”

What made Johnston turn suicidal? Childhood trauma? Was he suffering from some mental health issues? Heart health issues like depression? Was he treated and assisted when in jail or outside of jail? Was he followed up?

But there is an important factor which the media, the women’s lobby and the feminists are deliberately leaving out.

“According to news reports at the time, Johnston repeatedly said that he wanted the police to kill him, as he threw items on the pavement outside the restaurant. He was subsequently shot with a stun gun before he was arrested. A British court was told that he had been struggling with the termination of his unborn child. He was given a 28-month jail sentence.”

In the BBC’s article, we read that “the court was told that five or six years ago Johnston’s wife had to have a termination on medical grounds late in her second pregnancy.”

This appeared to have had a ‘traumatic effect’ and he struggled to come to terms with what he saw as the decision to end the child’s life.

Whether you believe this to be true or not, a plausible reason or an excuse, one cannot underestimate the fact that this is a very important statement and it shows the difficulties that men go through when they lose an unborn child. As stated by the media, this was a medical procedure done to save the mother’s life.

Imagine if this was an abortion. Considering that the media, the politicians, the government, and the feminists are pushing for abortion because they claim this is part of women’s rights and that women have a right to do what they please with their body, [the baby is not their body. S/he is growing inside their body and s/he has her/his own body], then it is of no wonder that this is not given much importance in the reporting and in statements uttered by the women’s lobby. No wonder that the feminists operate with the pick and choose modus operandi. They choose when they speak up to cover up another motive.

In no way am I justifying Johnston’s behaviour and the fact that he took away a life. Truly, I condemn it harshly. But it is clear that the anti-men pro-women lobbying is becoming harmful towards men too and that in all this, we forget that men also have feelings and that they, like women, are also victims of a filthy propaganda which is becoming the perpetrator of gender division, gender violence from both towards both, and unhealthy friction spreading like a disease.

Rise men and women. Rise above all this.

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