Alan Cordina, a friend of the late Stephen Mangion points to the PNPL’s migration invasion for the fact that Mangion was not seen to by the ‘applauded heroic frontliners’ of the ‘trust the science’ medical hubs

In lieu of the sudden death of 55-year-old police officer Stephen Mangion, who collapsed at Mater Dei due to a heart attack, a friend of his, Alan Cardona put up the below post. I will go through this news together with the statement of the hypocrites of the highest order, the PN and Jason Azzopardi of the Establishment, in another piece.

Cordina’s post, which not only makes a lot of important points but also taps on and addresses a very important issue, reads:

“Dan li se nikteb ma huwiex post politiku, u ma għandux jitqies bħala post politiku.

Anzi!!! Jekk nara xi battibekki politiċi fil-comments, intajjar il-comments.

U oħra, dan li se nikteb, kont xorta niktbu, kieku hemm tal-Farfett fil-gvern, jew l-ADPD, il-PN jew il-PL, għax fejn tidħol ħajja jew mewt ta’ ħabib antik, m’hemmx partiti quddiem għajnejja.

Mela dallejl il-ħabib tiegħi, Alla jaħfirlu, Stephen Mangion, li naħseb kellu xi 55/56 sena, mar il-Polyclinic tal-Furjana b’uġigħ qawwi f’sidru, u bl-għaraq ixoqq għalih ma’ ġismu kollu, sintomi jew indikazzjoni ta’ attakk tal-qalb.

Mill-Polyclinic qalulu “mhux hawn trid tiġi b’uġigħ (qawwi) f’sidrek, imma trid tmur l-isptar”.

Nimmaġina li Stephen stenna li se jġibulu ambulanza. Ma tarax! Bagħtuh ‘l hemm u kellu jsuq hu, il-karozza tiegħu stess sal-isptar.

Kif wasal l-isptar HEMM NIES XHIEDA LI KIENU QED JISTENNEW FIL-WAITING AREA, li qalu li rawh dieħel, jagħfas sidru b’idejh it-tnejn minħabba l-uġigħ f’sidru, u bilkemm felaħ jitkellem ma’ tar-reception, biex jgħidilhom biċ-chest pain qawwi li kellu.

Qaltlu biex jistenna u hekk għamel. Imma meta wara xi nofsiegħa kienu għadhom ma għajtulux, ħabbat il-bieb u daħal jgħid lin-nurse ta’ Area 1, li ma felaħx iktar u kien qed iħossu ħażin.

Imma qalulu li jrid jistenna għax kien hemm wisq nies ġewwa diġa’. U allura reġa’ ħareġ u mar biex jerġa’ jpoġġi fuq is-siġġu, barra fil-waiting area, imma f’dal-mument ikollassa, niżel mal-art u miet.

Jien minn hawn ħa ngħid, illi t-tobba li jkunu fuq ġewwa, li jkunu qiegħdin jippruvaw ilaħħqu ma’ xi 200 ruħ  li jkollhom ġewwa fl-emerġenza u jissieltu biex isalvaw ħajjiet ta’ nies oħrajn, dawn MHUX tort tagħhom, għax dawn par idejn għandhom, u ma jistgħux ikunu qed jikkuraw u jipprovaw isalvaw il-ħajja ta’ xi 3 min-nies f’daqqa.

Imma, KULL min kien il-moħħ, jew parteċipi, wara dan il-mudell ekonomiku brillanti, li biex inkabbru l-ekonomija, nżidu l-popolazzjoni ta’ dil-biċċa blata bi sptar ġenerali wieħed, b’xi 300 elf ruħ min kull parti tat-tielet dinja u rkejjen degradanti oħra tad-dinja, HUWA RESPONSABBLI GĦAL DAD-DIŻAŻTRU li ġibtu l-pajjiż fih, fejn saħansitra issa wkoll, immorru aħna l-Maltin l-isptar b’kundizzjoni serja viċin il-mewt, u jgħidulek stenna barra, għax ikun hemm xi 200 barrani qablek ġewwa fl-emerġenza!!!

Jekk xejn, apparti servizzi governattivi l-oħrajn kollha, li huma kollha vgati bix-xogħol, imma fis-saħħa l-ewwel u qabel kollox, QABEL MA RDUPPJAJTU L-POPOLAZZJ0NI, IMISSKOM L-EWWEL BNEJTU ŻEWĠ SPTARIJIET OĦRA, JEW JITRANĠAW ŻEWĠ SPTARIJIET MILLI GĦANDNA QED JAQGĦU BIĊĊIET, kif kellu jsir b’dawk l-400 miljun.

ARAW X’SE TAGĦMLU GĦAX ISSA Ż-ŻEJJED KOLLU ŻEJJED, u nispera li dal-kas ma jieqafx hawn u min hu responsabbli għal dan kollu, jidħol ġo qoxortu!

Issa l-funeral ta’ Stephen, huwa nhar is-Sibt, 10am fil-knisja tal-Karmnu ġol-Belt Valletta.

Issa tħajru ejjew xi politikanti responsabbli minn dis-sitwazzjoni tal-biki li ġibtu lill-Maltin fiha, u oqogħdu lejn l-ewwel bankijiet ta.

U nerġa’ ngħid, li seta’ kien hemm min ikun hemm fil-gvern, l-istess kont nikteb, għax jien wiċċ il-ħabib tiegħi Stephen qed nara quddiem għajnejja u mhux partiti.

Strieħ fil-paċi Stephen

@ Jo Etienne Abela bħala persuna fdat bil-Ministeru tas-Saħħa, please take note.

In English:

[What I am going to write is not a political post, and it should not be considered a political post. On the contrary!!! If I see any political bickering in the comments, I will delete the comments. And also, I would still write what I am going to write if there was tal-Farfett in the government, or the ADPD, the PN or the PL, because when it comes to the life or death of an old friend, I do not see any parties. So last night my friend, God bless him, Stephen Mangion, who I think was about 55/56 years old, went to the Polyclinic of Floriana all sweating with severe pain in his chest – symptoms or indication of a heart attack. At the Polyclinic they told him “you don’t have to come here with a (strong) pain in your chest, but you have to go to the hospital”. I imagine that Stephen expected an ambulance to be brought to him. But no! They sent him to hospital and he had to drive himself, with his own car to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital THERE ARE WITNESSES WHO WERE WAITING IN THE WAITING AREA, who said they saw him come in, pressing his chest with both hands because of the pain, and he could barely speak to the receptionist, while telling them about the severe chest pain he had. They told him to wait and he did. But when after half an hour they still hadn’t called for him, he knocked on the door and went in to tell the nurse of Area 1, that he couldn’t take it anymore and was losing consciousness.

But he was again told that he had to wait because there were too many people inside already. So he went out again and went to sit down, outside in the waiting area, again. It was at this moment that he collapsed, fell to the ground and died.

I am here to state that it is not the fault of the doctors who are trying to cope with around 200 people at the emergency centre, while struggling to save other people’s lives. They only have a pair of hands and they cannot be treating and trying to save the lives of some three people at one go.

But, whoever was the brain, or participated, behind this brilliant economic model, that for economic growth, we increase the population of this piece of rock with one general hospital, with some 300,000 people from each part of the third world countries and other degrading corners of the world, is responsible for the disaster that brought this country into, in which even now, when we Maltese people go to hospital suffering from a serious condition and being close to die, and they tell you to wait outside, because there are some 200 foreigners who are given the right to go in before you in the emergency!

If else, apart from all the other government services, which are all busy with work, before you double the population, you should have first built two more hospitals, or repair the two hospitals which are crumbling, as should have been done with the 400 million.

So now you have to see to what you are going to do because now enough is enough, and I hope that this case doesn’t end here and whoever is responsible for all this, gets into his shell.

Now, Stephen’s funeral is on Saturday, at 10am in the Tal-Karmnu Church in Valletta.

Now some politicians who are responsible of this crying situation that they have brought upon the Maltese natives, might feel enticed to sit at the first row during the funeral.

I repeat, that there could have been anyone in government. I would have written the same thing, because in front of my eyes I am only seeing the face of my friend Stephen, and not those of political parties.

Rest in peace, Stephen.

@ Jo Etienne Abela, as the person trusted with the Health Ministry, please take note.]

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