A possible chronology of events surrounding Walt Disney’s illegitimate birth (2)

“1905 – After moving to Marceline, Missouri, Isabelle is hired as the Disney’s maid, so that she has an excuse to move in with them without creating suspicions. She probably does much of the raising and care of the two boys.

1918 – J. Edgar Hoover is busy involved with the prosecution of draft dodgers in WWI, and it crosses his desk about the case of Walt Disney committing the crime of forging his parents signature to join the army. Cases like Walt’s were watched because people who could be blackmailed could be resources in the future for Hoover. That year, Walt discovered that he had no birth certificate. Walt observes his parents strange reactions concerning his birth certificate and other questions, and begins to deeply distrust his father.

Nov. 1938 – Walt’s mother dies by gas, and the Disney’s maid pulls Elias to safety from the fumes, but Walt’s mother dies.

1939-40 – Hoover offers Walt Disney to help Walt locate his real parents if Walt will work for the FBI. Either Hoover already knows that he is a bastard child, or he soon learns the truth from an investigation. This gives Hoover blackmail power over Walt Disney, and assures Hoover that Walt will be loyal. Hoover informs Walt Disney of the truth, and then moves to generously protect Disney and his father’s reputation. Two FBI men plant baptismal information of a child born to Isabelle in 1890 named Jose Guirao in Mojacar, Spain. This date is 10 years off of Walt’s birthdate, and is intended to throw people off track. They can’t plant a fake birth certificate for Walt in the records of 1901, because everyone knows from WWI that none exists. Therefore, they plant a fake birth certificate for Walt in the Illinois State records in the year 1890. They hope people will think that somehow a filing error occurred. This way if anything leaks, and worst came to worst, Walt could at least pretend he was adopted and is not an illegitimate bastard. They pay off townspeople in Mojacar to tell a particular story. Townspeople probably receive ongoing payments.

1941 – Walt confronts his father with the truth, and his father commits suicide, and his real mother comes to live with him as his maid.

1954 – In order to reinforce the myth that Walt was born in Spain, a group of Franciscan monks goes to to Mojacar and visibly inquires about the birth records of Jose Guirao and/or Walt Disney. They spend time with the mayor and make sure that everyone connects Walt Disney with Jose, who is a fictitious (nominal) character that the FBI has created records of.

1967 – A year after Walt’s death, a large group of Americans (a large group was needed because they are not skilled like the 2 FBI men in 1940) pretend to be on ‘official’ business for the American government. They go to Mojacar Spain to destroy all the records of Jose Guirao to insure that there will be no Spanish claimants to Walt Disney’s fortune. Later to insure that the fictitious story is solidly in place to mislead the few who might get by the cloud of secrecy over Walt Disney, the Spanish government does a favor to certain powerful people and pays an investigator to investigate the Spanish origins of Walt Disney. People of the village willingly tell people without any fear or without any fanfare that Walt Disney was born at their village. Unless they have recently done so, the village has never done anything – no monuments, no markers, or anything about the birth site of Disney. They probably didn’t do this for years, because some of the village probably knew it was a lie. With the older people gone, the lie has probably become well entrenched as truth and there is most likely some type of memorial to Walt Disney.”

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