A possible chronology of events surrounding Walt Disney’s illegitimate birth (1)

“It is beyond doubt that Walt Disney was an illegitimate child, but that fact resulted in a long list of mysterious happenings. It also gave power hungry men, something to blackmail Walt Disney with. Because this chapter is focusing on Disney, and the big boys used blackmail to keep Disney in line, this information is pertinent. The following chronology of events is what this author believes most likely happened. Without any genetic tests, it is difficult to determine beyond a shadow of a doubt who Walt’s biological parents were, and what the actual history of Walt Disney was. Several people have spent many years investigating the real facts surrounding his birth.

Many interesting and tantalizing clues have been found. This author believes that the following chronology is suggested by the evidence. (This author’s chronology is offered without hundreds of pages of evidence, because the mysteries around Walt Disney’s birth are here to stay, no matter what excuses people come up with, and this author doesn’t want to stray from the intended purpose of the chapter. This is to show that Walt Disney had a secret bastard birth which gave J. Edgar Hoover – and his superiors – blackmail leverage over Walt Disney. Walt may also have had gambling debts and an abnormal sexual appetite which also helped entrap him. For those who want more evidence and facts, the following are recommended:

Almendros, Mojacar, Corner of Enchantment, p. 83;

Interview magazine, no. 242, Walt Disney Was from Almeria

Eliot, Marc. Walt Disney, Hollywood’s Dark Prince, chapter 11

1890 – An attractive Spanish woman Isabelle Zamora Ascenslo of Moyacar leaves Spain and travels to California to a Franciscan monastery. In the same year, but later on in 1890, Walt’s future father Elias, who fancies himself a ladies’ man, leaves his family to seek his fortune in the gold fields. In California, he meets another newcomer to the state, Isabella Ascensio, and the two newcomers in California have much in common, have a sexual affair and fall in love.

1891 – Elias falls to make a fortune and returns to Chicago, but he doesn’t forget Isabelle.

1893 – Isabelle and Elias have a son, and Elias convinces his wife to accept the baby as theirs rather than have the family’s reputation, their marriage, and their family ruined. The son doesn’t look like the first two boys at all.

1901 – Isabelle and Elias have another bastard son, who Elias brings home and names Walter after the minister of the church he attends. The two bastard sons do not look like the older sons of Elias, and they never have much to do with them, but cling to each other as brothers.

1903 – The minister of the church Elias attends finds out about the bastard children and Elias quickly moves out of state so that the scandal will remain secret. Elias has also run up gambling debts.”

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