A Muslim living in Malta instigates hate speech and terrorism against Malta on his Tiktok account

Muslim @said.brain6 instigates hate speech and terrorism against Malta on his Tiktok account, with his statements while he spits and makes rude gestures.

Malta is his because it belonged to his ancestors, he claims.

He adds that Malta will be given to the Muslims and it will belong again to the Muslims because Malta exists thanks to them and their money. If Malta does not concede, there will be a Third World War and everywhere will be burnt.

Will the police investigate? Or do they conduct one-sided investigations if a landlord refuses to rent to Arabs and other nationalities?

What will the Leftist Communists and their minions come up with to defend him? The unholy alliance between the Muslims and the Left.

Any ‘human rights lawyer’ speaking baloney?

Any ‘human rights NGO’ in the mix?

Chop my head. Tie me to a stake on a burning pile of hay. Hoist me into the air and pull my shoulders from their sockets. Lynch me to a tree. I would rather burn and die for my country because I truly love my country, than allow its complete annihilation by the politicians who are rotting us in hell.

Malta, this beautiful, unique, spiritual hub, which was once a gem and the envy of the whole world, will one day be returned to the Maltese people and all the damage that was procured to her, will be rewound and erased.

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