A History of Disney – Freemasonry

“After World War II, Joseph Rosenberg persuaded A.P. Giannini, his boss, to bankroll Disney again. Although Walt was financed by the Mishpucka (Jewish Mafia), he didn’t like the idea. Richard Rosenberg, a later President of Bank of America, is also Mishpucka. Richard Rosenberg (his mother was a Cohen) was also in charge of Northrop Corp. and Marin Ecumenical Housing Assn. (Other examples of Mishpucka executives are R. Goldstein, v.p. of Procter & Gamble, and Marvin Koslow, v.p. of Bristol Meyers Co.)

In the 1930s, the elite promoted Disney’s new cartoons. In 1935, Walt Disney received the French Legion of Honor for his Mickey Mouse cartoons. Also in 1935, the Queen of England (who readers of my previous articles will realize is Illuminati, involved in drug trade, and is involved with the leadership of Freemasonry) and the Duchess of York (also Illuminati) selected Mickey Mouse chinaware as gifts for 600 children. This was after Walt spent time with her in 1934.

The League of Nations (the pre W.W. II equivalent to the U.N.) took the time to vote its approval of Mickey Mouse (Finch, Christopher, The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom. NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1975, p. 53). There is no doubt that Walt Disney had talent. There is also no doubt from the record that powerful people wanted to promote him. No doubt his 320 Masonic membership and his DeMolay activities helped boost his support and also helped Walt’s bent toward the occult.

Let’s digress just to let people in on Freemasonry’s involvement with acting and motion pictures. The famous 233 Club was a masonic chapter for actors who were Freemasons. Examples of actors who were Freemasons include John Aasen, Gene Autry, Monte Blue and Humphrey Bogart, Douglas McClean, John Wayne. Then there is T.V. DJ Dick Clark. Examples of Motion Picture executives incl. Ellis G. Arnall (President of the Soc. of Ind. Motion Picture Producers), Will H. Hays (Czar of Motion Pictures 1922-1945 and President Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America Inc.), Benj. B. Kahane (Vice President & Director. Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc.), Carl Laemmle (Pres. Univ. Pictures Corp til ’36), Frank E. Mullen (Dept of Info. RCA, VP NBC ’39-’46, exec VP NBC ’46-’48), David Sarnoff (Chairman of Bd. Radio Corp, of America & ‘father’ of American television), Jack M. Warner (Vice President of Warner Bros) and the President and Director of Universal Pictures since 1952. The Freemasons have made much of Walt Disney’s Membership in their membership sales pitches.

Because the two Disney brothers’ chief contributions to the production of Disney films were the finances and occasionally the ideas used in a film, it is rather misrepresentative of things that Walt Disney got all the credit for the success and quality of the Disney cartoons. He was showered with 700 awards and honors from important people, including 30 Oscars, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (in ’64). Walt Disney’s great animators never got the credit they deserved, but no one should forget that Walt was the driving force that inspired and guided his workers.”

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