A European Citizens’ Vaccination Card will be imposed on all EU member states

While the masses are divided and arguing about whatever the media distracts them from, there are other matters going on which the masses are not focusing on, but on which they should.

A European Vaccination Card will enable informed vaccination, according to experts working on the EUVABECO project. Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal will pilot the new tool from September.”

The excuse being given is because the world still faces global health threats, and considering how it was caught unprepared for the COVID-19 crisis, then, we need to get prepared. So, out of their concern for you, they come up with a plan, as always, because out of their kindness, they want to help you get and be prepared for the next crisis. What big, fat liars they are! How clever and scheming!

“A European Vaccination Card will enable informed vaccination, according to experts working on the EUVABECO project. Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal will pilot the new tool from September.’” The usual experts thing you see…

Since they keep on warning us and bombarding us that a global health threat is always on our doorstep, we now have the launch of EUVABECO project – which stands for the European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19 project, which is initiating a pilot project “to develop and test implementation plans for tools that support both routine and crisis vaccination practices.”

What is one of these key tools that it came up with? A European Vaccination Card (EVC) of course. Its launch is scheduled for this coming September and will be initially piloted in five pilot countries which are Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal. The bullshit and lie they give you is that this card aims to empower you by consolidating all your vaccination data in one easily accessible location. Excuse me, what for? It’s not that I happen to be lost in the wilderness and I need it to take me back home, no? Smell the bullshit, dear readers. This is paving the way for what is more to come under the new world order of the totalitarian regime. What happens to who will not comply to taking any vaccine?

The generosity of EUVABECO extends further – this card will be available in various formats which include printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones. Oh how generous communism is! It makes you believe that you have a choice in yet another context in which there is no choice. Once this excuse of ‘pilot project’ is over, this vaccination card will be implemented in all Europe to all EU member states, and it will be linked to your pass for pseudo-freedom.

The article itself cited here states it: “EUVABECO’s pilot projects aim to pave the way for other countries by harmonising vaccine terminology, developing a common syntax, ensuring adaptability across different healthcare settings, and refining EVC implementation plans. These plans will be publicly released in 2026, extending the EVC system beyond the pilot phases and enabling broad adoption across all EU Member States.” Broad adoption? It will be imposed of course! And anyone who will not accept this vaccination card, starting from those who refused the Covid-19 vaccines, will be ostracised from society and all of their basic needs!

And the plan does not end here. Communist EUVABECO has other plans for you like having a clinic deciding for you what vaccines you need to further take, which they call “vaccine recommendations” and “a screening tool to identify and invite [i.e. enforce] vulnerable populations [meaning what they deem as weaklings and useless for the economy; what they deem the burden of society].

This card will be transferable worldwide via “an electronic Product Information Leaflet (e-PIL) to enable the transfer of vaccines across countries without having to repackage them” and – wait for it – “a modeling and forecasting tool to assess the impact of public health interventions.”

Notice their fuzzy language. You will be monitored and under control.

The article then gives you one of those fictitious scenario and how this card will be so helpful in the new dystopia. Please note that the cited article is sponsored by Vaccines Europe – an industry for healthy lives; and cites the following:

“The 2020 United Nations Environment Programme. Preventing the next pandemic.”

 “The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.”

Publications Office of the European Union.”

European Commission, European Health and Digital Executive Agency”

World Health Organization. Global Digital Health Certification Network

These were the organizations that were set up by the Elite to screw you. They can shove this vaccination card up somewhere!

The walking dead will go for all this, as gullible as they are and blinded by ‘the commodity’ and ‘incentives.’ Those who won’t flinch at anything that is thrown at them, including the threats that will come and ostracization for not conforming, those who won’t back down or step aside, I tell you – keep on standing for yourself at all cost and keep on choosing to do so.

Do not take the bait because this is yet another plan of the wicked to make you further enslaved in a system of monitoring and control. Once you are under full control, it’s game over.

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