A blogger, doing the bidding of the official narrative, wrote about the prospect of worldwide power outages in 2024

In December 2023, the world was warned that in 2024 there will be worldwide power outages. Here is a blog by someone called Ranatglt. Such a shame that no critical thinking is done in this article while blaming the climate and the weather as partial issues causing these power outages:

In the realm of hypothetical scenarios, the prospect of a worldwide power outage in the year 2024 raises significant concerns about the stability and functionality of our increasingly interconnected global society. While such a catastrophic event seems unlikely, the potential consequences of a massive energy shortage are worth exploring, considering the heavy reliance on electricity in virtually every aspect of modern life.

The Global Dependency on Electricity: Our contemporary world thrives on the seamless flow of electricity, powering industries, homes, and critical infrastructure. From communication networks to healthcare systems, the backbone of these vital sectors rests on a consistent and uninterrupted energy supply. The thought of a complete and simultaneous shutdown of electrical grids across the globe prompts a reevaluation of our dependence on this indispensable resource.

Potential Causes of a Global Power Outage: Examining the potential causes of a worldwide electricity blackout is crucial in understanding the magnitude of such an event. Possible triggers could range from unprecedented solar flares and geomagnetic storms disrupting power infrastructure to cyber attacks targeting critical energy facilities. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and natural disasters could contribute to a perfect storm, leading to a simultaneous failure of electrical grids worldwide.

1. Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms:

  • Explanation: Solar flares are bursts of radiation from the Sun that can interfere with Earth’s atmosphere and, in extreme cases, disrupt electronic systems. Geomagnetic storms are disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by interactions with solar wind.
  • NASA’s Perspective: NASA monitors solar activity and its potential impact on Earth. The agency recognizes that severe solar storms have the potential to damage satellites, disrupt communication systems, and affect power grids.

2. Cyber Attacks on Critical Energy Facilities:

  • Explanation: With the increasing digitization of power grids, the risk of cyber attacks targeting energy infrastructure has grown. Malicious actors may attempt to infiltrate and manipulate control systems, causing widespread outages.
  • Statements from Cybersecurity Experts: Organizations like the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and cybersecurity experts warn about the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to cyber threats. They emphasize the importance of robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard energy systems.

3. Geopolitical Tensions:

  • Explanation: Political disputes and conflicts between nations could lead to intentional disruptions of energy supplies, either through direct attacks on infrastructure or by cutting off the flow of resources.
  • Statements from International Agencies: International bodies, including the International Energy Agency (IEA), monitor geopolitical tensions and their potential impact on energy security. Statements and reports from these agencies often highlight the need for diplomatic solutions to prevent disruptions to global energy supplies.

4. Natural Disasters:

  • Explanation: Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters can damage power infrastructure, leading to widespread outages. The simultaneous occurrence of multiple disasters could exacerbate the challenges in restoring electricity.
  • Research by Earth and Space Agencies: NASA, in collaboration with other space agencies, studies the Earth’s natural processes and monitors regions prone to natural disasters. The data gathered helps in understanding the potential impact on critical infrastructure and improving disaster preparedness.

5. Space Weather Monitoring:

  • Explanation: Space weather events, such as solar storms, can impact communication systems, satellites, and power grids. Monitoring space weather is crucial to predicting and mitigating the effects of these events.
  • Statements from Space Agencies: Agencies like NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) actively engage in space weather research. They provide alerts and warnings to operators of critical infrastructure, including power grids, to take preventive measures during periods of heightened space weather activity.

Consequences for Societal Functions: In a world without electricity, the ripple effects would be felt across all sectors. Communication breakdowns would cripple information flow, hindering emergency response efforts and exacerbating the impact of any concurrent crises. Industries heavily reliant on technology, such as finance and transportation, would grind to a halt, leading to economic downturns and potential social unrest.

Challenges in Restoring Power: The sheer scale of a global power outage poses unprecedented challenges in restoring electricity. Coordinated international efforts would be required to address the multifaceted issues, from repairing damaged infrastructure to mitigating geopolitical tensions that may arise in the aftermath. The time required to bring the entire world back online would be a critical factor in determining the extent of the socio-economic fallout.

Preventive Measures and Global Cooperation: While the scenario presented is highly speculative, it underscores the importance of preventive measures and international cooperation in securing our energy infrastructure. Investing in resilient power grids, developing advanced space weather monitoring systems, and enhancing cybersecurity measures are imperative to mitigate the risks associated with a potential global energy crisis.”

The conclusion and solution that this blog by Ranatglit give are:

“While the likelihood of a complete worldwide power outage in 2024 is minimal, contemplating such a scenario serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of our modern, technology-driven civilization. By acknowledging the vulnerabilities in our energy systems and taking proactive steps to address them, the global community can work together to build a more resilient and secure future.”

So it all boils down to the people again. What about having the globalists and the elites wiped out forever from the face of the earth so we can live in peace without any of those globalists’ and elites’ induced issues and warfare on the people?

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