Your new system of total censorship in a totalitarian regime

Nursing Home Whistleblower – / 28 Jan 2021

This other article too is the censorship now.  That’s what you always get too in genocide, remember that as well. You demonize a segment of the population as the most DANGEROUS to your society, you know.  We all know what’s going on here, with the FBI and so on, different groups involved with them.  They’ve been doing this for years actually even from 9/11, before 9/11 happened.  Suddenly they would target these, these just white folk, and all white folk were getting blanketed as evil and supremacist. Absolute joke, supremacist, when so many organizations have been found out before that were set up by the FBI in massive sting operations, then they point to them as though it was real. No, no, these are, they are fake.

But they have definitely targeted a section of society, no doubt about it.  That’s what you do in genocide, target them, convinced the rest of the population that they are a danger to society, you see, stigmatize them, dehumanize them, and then you go after them.  You also stop them having the ability to speak, get a voice, they can put anything into newspapers, and now it’s all electronic.  So, they can’t communicate what they, how they see things or what’s happening to them, to anybody else. You’ve got just the aggressive voices accusing them of everything under the sun and it’s all to be fed to the general population in preparation for what you want to do to them, you see, so that the people won’t care.  We’ve seen this since these monopolies were set up as the global authorities, you know.  The authorities GAVE you the characters that you think are self-made billionaires. They’re not self-made billionaires at all, they’re front people for a massive agency that runs the world. So…

YouTube Nuked (Alan:  It says NUKED…) Two Videos Of A Senate Hearing On COVID-19 Treatments (Alan:  …a Senate hearing, right?) / 28 Jan 2021

Sen. Ron Johnson said YouTube, which is owned by Google, removed two videos from a Senate hearing about COVID-19 treatments from its platform on Wednesday.

“Social media censorship just ratcheted up to a new level. Google’s YouTube removed two videos of doctors testifying under oath at my US Senate hearing on early treatment of COVID,” the Wisconsin Republican wrote on Twitter. “Another body blow to freedom of speech and expression. Very sad and scary. Where does this end?”

(Alan:  Well, GUESS where it ends.)

“Apparently, the ‘doctors’ at Google know more about practicing medicine than heroic doctors who have the courage and compassion to actually treat COVID patients and save lives,” Johnson continued.

(Alan:  He goes on about the different ones like ivermectin and so on, and the doctors and doctors’ names who testify about their efficacy of these particular treatments and so on.)

YouTube told The Federalist (Alan:  This organization that runs this site.) that the video was “removed for violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy.”

The removal of the videos is just the latest in the alarming trend of Big Tech giants using their power to censor or silence information they do not agree with or like. Earlier this month, YouTube announced a ban on all videos shedding light on voter fraud in the United States’ most recent presidential election. Initially, the video platform removed only videos declaring widespread voter fraud, but now, the enforcement of the updated policy will include removing and issuing a strike on the channel of the user who posted the content. Strikes on YouTube prevent users from uploading, sharing, and live-streaming on their channels for a minimum of a week and can even result in a full ban.

That’s your new system folks of total censorship in a totalitarian regime. That’s what it is.  You see, democracy, real democracy is just too messy, untidy for authoritarians, you see. Can’t have that.  So, it’s been taken away from you.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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