You will be given your leaders and bloggers with incredible ratings in the counterintelligence game

Another thing I should mention too is, I won’t go into it into much detail here but, and I’ve always said it, they always give you your leaders. I hope you really understand that. I really mean what I say. It’s not new that they give you your leaders. It’s not a new system. They’ve been doing it for an awful long time. Just like they gave their leaders to different Muslim groups inside Britain and the States and elsewhere and Canada.  They’ll put out people who are, who seem to be real, knowledgeable with the religion and so on and their history, and they’ll radicalize youngsters. They attract them into these websites, get to know them all and set them up in sting operations, with the authorities being used to set them up. Then they’re, oh, more possible terrorists are caught, you see. That’s what they say, look how many we saved this year. Well, they set them up in the first place. It wouldn’t have happened by themselves probably if they were left alone.  They create the radicalized ones with the sting operations.

So, you know, you’ve got to really sit back at times and think, do some thinking for yourselves.  It’s up to you.  Counterintelligence is all over the Internet. They had so many bloggers come out of nowhere that suddenly get all the ratings, that’s your first clue, you know.  It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about or even if it’s pitiful, they’ll get incredible ratings according to what the ratings game – which is all bogus too by the way – and folk will jump on board.  Oh my goodness, so and so is great, you know, look at all these ratings. Well what about what they’re actually saying?  What they’ll be saying is what’s already current and topical, and popular, and they grab it. At least their teams that work behind them grab it.  And they’ll always appear to be solitary people, but their teams behind them do this kind of work. They’ll say the same stuff as everybody else and then they’ll add their twist to it, which is counterintelligence.  Or it will ridicule it.  Then the ones who are sticking to the basic facts, that they’ve copied, are tarred with them when they crash it. Oh, you’re one of those crazy nutters that believe in, you know, blah, blah, blah.

Counterintelligence, folks.  And there’s so many out there now, so many.  Even the big ones were like that from the beginning, ‘eh, when you realize who set them up. That’s how it really is. Folk have no idea how deep this is and how vast it is as well.  The systems of war today are to do with as I say possible terrorism. How they stop all possible terrorism is to literally take it over, ALL sources of information, by GIVING you the leaders.  All the chat rooms, all that kind of stuff, they GAVE you the leaders.  Until they become the leaders of what you thought initially were, you thought were all speaking for you, you know, for rights and so on, but then they twist it off into a different angle until you’re into different topics altogether, you know, sometimes.

But terrorism doesn’t just happen by itself. It’s allowed to happen when it does happen, ‘eh.  And actually encouraged. It’s like the first bombing at the World Trade Center, the first bombing. It was done in the basement with charges set against the pillars, near the pillars I think it was.  There was a trial to do with it and luckily one of the guys, who was Muslim had a handler, an FBI handler who actually supplied them with the material, bombing material and so on, the explosive material. He says, you know, you want us to use real material? He thought it was going to be a kind of testing, almost like a test, you see. He says, oh no, real stuff.  So, this guy taped it all, he recorded it all, and it was played in court by the way, you know, against the wishes of the FBI. Yeah, you can actually hear them telling them what to do, they were set up, for real explosives.  That’s how it’s done. More often than you think.  And they wanted a real explosion, real explosions, for really bad ones to go off.  M-hm.  Then they can turn around and say, oh yeah, it’s all these crazy extremists inside the country, yada, yada, ya.

They used to always say it too in the studies, at least the studies that I read anyway, they’d often say that in firefighters, YOU GET A LOT OF ROGUE FIREFIGHTERS WHO SET FIRES AND THEN THEY CALL IN THERE’S A FIRE AT SO-AND-SO, AND THEN THEY GO OUT AS THE HEROES TO PUT THEM OUT. Very similar, isn’t it?  So, within the FBI part of their M.O. is to set up stings and then point to them as though they were all real. And a lot of them would not have happened in the first place unless the FBI hadn’t literally put out the people to attract youngsters in and radicalize them, then supply them with fake materials to cause the problems and so on. Think about it, folks.

But it isn’t just there, it’s everything now, ‘eh.  I’ve been through the traditional anti-Communist systems of communication that was set up in the 50s and 60s in the US, and the big shortwave programs that were put out there to combat communism. Mainly using Christian pastors to lambaste communism, that’s the technique that they used.  Then they expanded from there.  As I’ve always said, why would the all-seeing eye want to give up any of its tendrils into anything? Well, it doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t.  Now that it’s into the Internet, mind you, it’s everywhere.  They had them into the Internet before you heard of it, all set up with all the chosen leaders, you know. All prepared to be your champions. And always to have you give up on starting something yourself, a real grassroots organization to get to the people… I won’t bother, so-and-so is doing all that anyway, you see.  Counterintelligence is all over the place.  When you see counterintelligence characters coming out of the same place all the time, well, think for yourselves, is all I’m saying to you, think for yourselves, folks. 

The real target of the big psychodrama on January 6 wasn’t those who went in. It wasn’t about those who went inside the building, the capital building, it wasn’t them at all.  The target was always, and before, was always the same people outside who were peaceable demonstrators. THAT’S the target group to be stigmatized en masse as the enemy of the state.  That’s what that is, that’s what the whole purpose of it was for… to give some, however thin, pretense of credulity to the enactment of more laws against you know who, just the average people.  A whole segment of them stigmatized. Then they’ll be censored off all Internet, which is what you do in genocides, until they can’t communicate to anybody outside, you know.  And as they’re called names and dehumanized, you must dehumanize them first, ‘eh. 

It’s not going to be pleasant, folks, unless folks start, at least, stand up for themselves and say that’s it, we’ve had enough of you all.  And don’t be cowed.  Find other ways to communicate. Don’t be cowed.  Because you can’t allow people to be demonized the way that… This is incredible hatred coming from the top.  Incredible hatred of people, because of thousands of folks who are just fed up with the whole darn system.  And unemployment. And lockdowns. And high taxes.  And years of being smeared as subhuman by the state and by academia. Of course, they’re fed up with it.

You can’t have anybody having their voices silenced, I don’t care who they are.  That’s why you’ve got to have FREE speech.  No matter how much you might not like it, and there’s definitely authoritarian regimes that certainly don’t like free speech. Absolutely. But you’ve got to have it. That’s part of so-called democracy. 

So, as I say, the whole premise, especially in the States was premised on free speech. They didn’t really have that kind of amount of free speech in Britain, I don’t think at any time at all.  Authorities were always rather authoritarian there. But in the States, you’re supposed to have all kinds of speech. That’s the only way.  It’s a safety valve too, you know, let folk get it out of their system. 

Everyone, everybody out there listening is going through life learning, hopefully, you know.  You start off with the child when you grow up, you have all kinds of opinions as a child even. Then they change as a teenager. Even, I hate that term teenager that was invented back in the 50s and 60s. Then you go into, you get older, you’d be surprised how many times different things that you were fixed on change.  Because it’s through experience you change your opinions.  That’s called maturity. You’re evolving as you live and you’re understanding more and more, as you start to see through different sides of things, you see, and the whys and wherefores of why things happen. And you also know the con games of those in power, or those who seek power, or those who want to overthrow power and take over for themselves, that happens too.  So, you learn how it really works.

But free speech is imperative, and folk can’t be, you can’t allow anybody to be demonized. You can’t allow that at all.  Because eventually it’s your turn to get demonized and silenced.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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