Who was Walt Disney? (2)

“Walt had black hair with a black mustache, and bright quick eyes and was about 6′ tall. He used his own facial features to clue artists on how to draw Mickey Mouse’s features. He liked specially rolled brown cigarettes which he smoked up to 70 a day. He picked up the smoking habit in the army. He loved expensive Scotch Whiskey, red sunsets, and horses. He had a vacation home in Palm Springs, CA called the Smoke Tree Ranch. He often wore the Ranch’s letter STR emblazoned on his necktie. He played lots of golf with Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan at the ST Ranch. His main home was an estate in Holmby Hills. The Holmby Hills estate was located in a plush area where lots of rich show-business families lived. It was located between Bel-Air (an occult world for Satan) and Beverly Hills.

Walt spent many of his nights at the Disney Studios and later he had his own private quarters at the center of Disneyland. He had reoccurring bouts of insomnia. (For his nerves and insomnia he’d take alcohol and tranquilizers). He’d go weeks on end without stepping foot on the Holmby Hills estate and seeing his family.

The main topic at the studio by the staff during different time periods was Walt’s bizarre behaviour – he would not be available until late afternoon, when he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels, where supposedly he was ‘chatting with the maintenance engineers’ everyday. The value of his estate when he died was 35 million dollars of which Lillian his wife inherited half. In his later years, when Disney took a vacation he went to Paris for 3 weeks, and 3 weeks at the Hotel du Cap, in Antibes, and then cruised on Fritz Loew’s yacht with Ron and Diane Disney. In England, Walt spent time with the British Royal family and met privately with masonic prophet H.G. Wells. In Rome, Walt visited privately with the Pope and the dictator Mussolini. In 1966, Walt Disney died. Prior to his death he had investigated cryogenesis – being frozen, and it is believed by some that his body is frozen somewhere in California, while others claim he was cremated.”

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