Who is in charge of the residential area behind Epic’s main outlet on Birkirkara’s Bypass?

The residential area behind Epic’s main outlet on the Birkirkara’s bypass is a disgrace.

I am not going to comment about the block of apartments there but I surely do not think that it serves to fulfill the dignity that the honest working human being possesses.

Regarding Epic’s parking lot, I want to say something: if it is privately owned by the company, why doesn’t it have it tarmacked? It looks like a warzone and the dust that is blown away from cars which go in and out, without excluding windy days, is surely not healthy for the residents.

I want to focus on the street which surrounds this block.

We start with the small downhill which leads you to the parking lot of Vodafone, and to this block of apartments. The below photos are its state. I can’t even imagine the residents who live close by who cannot even open a window. Just in case you happen to have to drive down, you are lucky if you don’t leave a wheel or a shock absorber or the entire base of your car, behind. Malta 2024 and its progress, you see.

Now this is classic. This part full of rubble and garbage together with three boulders is exactly opposite this block. There are also two big green skips whose lids are open leaving a smell of flowers which have just bloomed after the rain:

Because the most important thing is for the Big Construction Boys to get the permits from the politicians and their corrupt set-up sectors, so that they destroy Malta while they fill their pockets with money by encaging people in prison cells, and then they leave the area in a disastrous state.

I cannot even understand why in this country of shenanigans, areas where property is being renovated or built, are not cleaned each day after the works finish and have the dust settle by throwing water. I pity those living in the neighbourhood. May your greed and corruption not reap fruit for you and I pray that all the money you are earning out of this greed and corruption burns in the flame of fire.

Let’s continue. This is the pavement of the street that surrounds the block of apartments. This street continues to go round the block and is also in a disastrous state.

And this is what has been left behind by the Construction Fascists of this once rural area – a palm tree, which, poor soul has been left in the middle surrounded by rubble. It is a stark reminder to all those few of us left on this island to endure this commercialised, materialistic and artificial island that our souls were once connected to this island’s rural soul. We thank all those who have destroyed our soul, mental and emotional wellbeing. God forbid I meet any of you. I will bury you with my own hands together with the money you have earned out of the destruction of my island through greed and corruption.

Most probably, if the residents submit a complaint unless they have already done so, with the Birkirkara Local Council, the council will tell them that it is not its responsibility.

As for the government, I am sure that our politicians do not come for a stroll here or maybe to do an errand while they park their shiny, expensive car in the vicinity. Or most probably their chauffeurs will take them directly to the spot required, lest they burn a few calories. They don’t care about the people except when they want you to keep them in office, as useless as they are but very useful for the Big Business guys and for their revolving doors.

And I am sure that if they had to clean and tarmac the area, instead of leaving this only palm tree left as a remembrance of some rurality in this uglified, urbanised central town, while creating a small area around it with some benches where residents might opt to sit on, on hot summer nights, they will uproot the palm tree.

Who cares. After all, this is what they call street maintenance. For your wellbeing of course.

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