While you are being turned Green, Enemalta joined Mediterranean countries to invest in a plant which runs on diesel

“A temporary power station to help prevent more power cuts is set to be fully operational by mid-August, according to Enemalta’s executive chair.”

“Ryan Fava said the €37 million diesel-run 60-megawatt plant is in transit but should arrive in Malta towards the end of this month” to “prevent last year’s situation from repeating.” Too late.

Here goes Big Government and Big Business joining forces:

“UNEC Ltd, the Bonnici Bros-owned firm that won the €37 million contract to provide the temporary power station, was contractually bound to start operating it this month.” Three weeks late it seems.

Marelli the government has endless cash it seems! But there is never enough cash and resources to improve your salaries.

In a letter asking the Environmental Resource Authority to waive an environmental impact assessment for installing the plant, Fava said a temporary power station was needed “to avoid a repeat of the crisis experienced last summer”.

And it’s not only Enemalta. They tell you that such generators “are in high demand across the Mediterranean. Many generators have also been sent to Ukraine to help maintain power there”.

But weren’t we told last year that Enemalta was “racing against time to build ’emergency’ plant to prevent summer outages, so to ‘avert a recurrence of last summer’s power outages, as it struggles to ensure a stable energy supply during peak summer months.’ Please read more here. Wasn’t this built or was this referring to the same one reported above yesterday? The usual non-continuity articles of the mainstream media.

But this year TOM tells you that the company is planning for a “new 60MW ‘temporary’ diesel-powered ’emergency plant’ in Delimara, acknowledging its inability to guarantee the nation’s energy security without this crucial addition.’

While you are being turned green, Enemalta joined other Mediterranean countries and invested in a plant which runs on diesel. So, is it our diesel cars which have an impact on the environment? Who do you want to mock and to whom do you want to feed the bullshit? This is another stark reminder that Net Zero is only for you, the peasants.

And so I find myself quoting and repeating from another past blog: “didn’t the PL government change Malta’s electricity supply to a gas-powered one for a healthier environment, as part of another green policy? But this new emergency plant in Delimara will be diesel-powered. So, why is the Maltese nation being asked to scrap their diesel [and petrol] fueled cars to buy electric vehicles instead in order to save the environment when now it is fine to have an electricity emergency plant powered by diesel? Do you understand, dear Maltese nation, that you are being lied to? But then they reassure you that this project “will have minimal environmental repercussions.” This is what happens when politicians feed on lies in a country which is infested with fools in political and authoritative thrones who try to cover up their lies which thrive on poverty, misery, and discontent.

And yet, the Labour government has endorsed Climate Communism and is going ahead with its plan to have an authority for climate change.”

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