When the BBC started preparing the Irish that Northern Ireland will experience more power cuts

There are times in which when the media reports something, there are two ways in which we must go about it. We can either discard it as fearmongering and throw it in the bin or we can raise our eyebrows because it is already preparing us for what is to come. You can add to the latter the fact that it is not preparing you out of concern, but because the hand that feeds the media has passed on the information so that you will get used to the “prophecy”.

Let us take power cuts. There were two instances when the BBC prepared the Irish for future power cuts. Both articles date back to 2022 which ‘by pure coincidence’ is post-COVID19.

In this piece, I am tackling one of them. We start with the title: “Electricity: NI could face blackouts by 2024, officials say.” Now this was back in 2022. The article reads:

Northern Ireland could face electricity blackouts in 2024 and 2025 unless action is taken, the grid operator has warned. The details are contained in the annual capacity statement from System Operator NI (SONI). SONI says the issue centres on Kilroot power station and environmental permits which limit its operating hours. The organisation says it is working with the Department for the Economy and the regulator to address the issue. Kilroot is currently a coal-fired power station but is due to convert to gas turbine generation over the next few years. Coal-fired power stations are effectively being regulated out of existence for environmental reasons but Kilroot, near Carrickfergus in County Antrim, had special operating dispensation during the pandemic. SONI said: “At present, the plant needs to operate at a reduced generation capacity following the expiration of the Covid-19 Regulatory Position Statement; they do this to manage and comply with their most recent environmental permit. The reduction in coal plant output reduces Northern Ireland short term adequacy surplus. EP Kilroot said it was engaging with all regulatory authorities to attempt to find solutions to the security of supply issues which have been raised. In addition, Kilroot’s new gas turbine system won’t be fully operational until 2026. Environmental permits mean the new turbines will only be able to run for an average of 1,500 hours per year in 2024 and 2025. The situation is exacerbated in 2025 as four older “peaking” units are unavailable due to maintenance.

What is the option that this article gave to the public? “To allow Kilroot to temporarily derogate from its environmental permits through the legality.” Same like here dear readers – we have seen how Enemalta is temporarily being allowed to resort to a diesel-operated plant. The verb “allow” means that they are being given orders which they have to obey and these orders are coming from above, not by the governments, but from the top whose orders then trickle down to organizations to governments and then to its agencies. Are things becoming clearer to you? You can read more here.

Here you have the usual problem created and the reaction. The problem is that coal-fired power stations are hazardous to the environment so we change them to gas. The reaction is power cuts. The solution will be offered to you soon.

We are also seeing how the Green Agenda is Green Murder through environmental permits and the regulation of coal-fired power stations. If you look at our local situation where even our coal-fired power station was regulated and we started running on gas, with this also being the case in Ireland, do you understand how the world is going through a global agenda?

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