What you saw of covid was computer-generated models

What does it take to be sick of Covid? If you’re not by now “SHAME ON YOU!!!”

theirishsentinel.com / 24 Jan 2021 / By Helena Handbasket

(Alan:  …shame on you.  And that’s by the usual, you know, Helena Handbasket.  Helena gets really ticked off at these kind of things that are going on. It says…)

The above title is not a reference to any form of supposed infection from the ever elusive Covid-19.

It is simply a question regarding how much lies and deceit does it take to make any rational person decide that enough is enough.

Why are people so accepting of something which is clearly not manifested in any realm of reality outside of their brainwashing box glowing in the corner of their living room or domestic prison habitation?

(Alan:  Because that’s what your home is now, isn’t it, a domestic prison.)

Human beings seem to have lost all ability to view the world through their own eyes and blindly accept the words of known liars (Alan:  …and they are known liars.) from all quarters of the political spectrum, the pseudo medical talking heads and mainstream media.

Humanity is bogged down in a quagmire of electronic bombardment using techniques and methodologies which are not beyond their understanding; they simply do not want to admit the obvious truths to themselves and it would seem that they are far happier bitching to their spouses about “another bloody lockdown” than actually coming to what is more and more an obvious conclusion. They have been duped, duped and duped time and again by the same talking heads in politics, the medical pseudo profession, as it stands now, and the media for the past year.

It’s a good enough article. Because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?  When you really look at the facts coming out of the WHO, when they admit that the testing that they’re doing is full of holes, absolutely full of holes and it’s lots of false positives, which makes thousands of people eventually over the course of a year going into quarantine for no real reason, you know, and stuff like that of course. But they need the numbers, that’s why they do all the, oh, over 10,000 more have been tested, and we’re rolling out more testing all the time.  Then we get cases because of the testing. I’ve said before, if you want Covid to go way, stop testing and it will go off on its own. Yep.  Quite simple, ‘eh.

It’s true enough too, even some of the top scientists in China had to admit in interviews, they have NOT isolated this virus.  Neither has the West. They can do computer models on it on computer screens but that’s about it. And you have to really wonder, ‘eh, you really do have to wonder, you know, because China supposedly gave the sequence of the genetic makeup, immediately, and I remember that article, it’s all based, it’s all punched into a computer and they say, ah, we see it now, in the computer.  Okay.  M-hm.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]


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