What should people do to resist the Great Reset?

We are all to stand up to bring forth the great resist and do have a great reset, in our terms and conditions though.

What did Klaus Schwab tell us? “History is truly at a turning point. It is the beginning of a global mobilisation effort. To rally our forces behind this Great Reset Initiative. Energy systems, food systems and supply chains will be deeply affected. We will destroy unfortunately a lot of employments. The future is already here. It’s coming like a tsunami. Just like simple sensors planted into our brains. The opportunities behind medicine and we must prepare ourselves already now.”

Shall we, the people, turn this around and say “History is truly at a turning point. It is the beginning of our total freedom from all your efforts of enslavement and so we rally our forces behind this Great Resist initiative. We will build anew and get free energy systems as it should be and as it should always have been. We will get new and cheap food supply as nature contended. Everything you built for us will be deeply affected until we get back what you stole from us from the beginning. We will destroy fortunately all sort of boring employments you imposed on us and give rise to a new creative humanity. The future is not already here. We live in the present and the future is for us to build. We will come for you like a tsunami with an intact brain which the Almighty God designed for us. The opportunities are behind everything for us to grasp and we are getting prepared and coming for you all, now.”

How shall we fulfill the Great Resist and the Great Reset as per our terms and conditions? By fulfilling as many of the below as possible:

Work on yourself and when the time comes, without any pressure and hurry at all, open your heart to the man or woman that God created for you. This is for those who are called to get married of course. Get married and have more than two children. We recreate a strong family unit.

Eat more from the earth. Albeit locally this is not an easy feat, try to procure meat from small farms which do not vaccinate, medicate and feed shit to their animals. Buy local and buy from small groceries. Avoid sugar, fast food, long shelf-life food, preserves and anything which is alien to your body. Take responsibility of your own health. Do some exercise. Stay away from doctors and hospitals as much as possible.

Stop reading the mainstream media and if you do, get your brain cells activated so that you filter through its lies and read in between its lines. Ideally, consume alternative and objective media. Learn how to read and interpret what you are given. Question everything and do not allow yourself to be conditioned to be lazy. Introspect and do not believe anything that comes up even in your mindstream because we have been conditioned since children and thus not all of it is real and a direct experience. Most importantly, read the books of the Elite and their agents because remember that the Big Boys are not willing to allow you to find out about the agenda and about them. If you do, it is game over for them.

Learn a new skill. Do you have any inclination or hobby or talent? Go for it. Master the skills which were slowly eradicated so that we bring them back. This includes even artisanship.

Drive a robust car without many electronics as possible. Do not fall for electric cars.

Reject vaccinations, CO2 passports, digital wallets, digital IDs and anything that they offer you. Pay with cash everywhere you go.

For those who can, be self-sufficient when it comes to water, food, and electricity. Do not depend on the system. Stay off the grid. Do not depend on the government. If you have a cistern at home, use it.

For those who own or can own a piece of land and farm it (like permaculture and agroforestry), do. Make sure you improve the soil of your land as it has been deprived of boron and magnesium among other minerals due to pesticides and whatever they are spraying in the skies.

Consider homeschooling to avoid the brainwashing of your children at schools. Do you know any other parents who are on board with you? Get together, form and plan the plan and how are you going about it and do it. True education rebuilds a nation.

Avoid Microsoft and insist on other systems like Linux and CalyxOS, for privacy. Reduce your time on social media, reduce the usage of Google and Meta platforms. Turn off your TV. Read books. Go out in nature.

Invest the majority of your money in land, gold and silver. Avoid the big banks as much as possible. Money in the banks is dormant. It is dead money. Use it wisely.

Support unbiased scientists, unbiased politicians, unbiased journalists and anyone who is truly speaking up for humanity and rooting for humanity. Understand that the political class is wholly sick with a parasitic mindset, draining you from your blood if it serves them. Do not give attention to and do not feed the wolves in sheep clothing. Remember that the Big Boys hire an army of disinformation agents to keep you confused. Beware of the false prophets.

Connect with like-minded people and those who support you and are on your side. Roam with the lions. Speak your mind and do not comply to any evil laws and evil regulations. Smile because smiling is contagious and brightens up lives. Being positive is contagious but do it while being grounded as to the current reality we are in instead of wearing a blindfold while walking around with a stick on cloud nine.

Live in and with dignity. Reject this autonomous culture and godless century where we want to do it our own way and not God’s way. Grow so that you experience life not the way you were told to and taught to. When you allow God to guide you and do it His way, you become powerful and the way life unfolds for you is one of immense beauty and immense spirituality. I vouch for this. Return to God, return to Christ. One day we will be united and our love won’t be divided.

And in this way, they will own nobody and they will be unhappy.

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