Weather warfare preparation through emergency preparedness responses post-Cold War

“Towards the start of the mid-1990’s, when the Cold War just happened to be suddenly ended when Russia (the Soviet Union) decided to roll up its borders and its system, and Mr. Gorbachev came over to the U.S., after being introduced and taken on a tour by Margaret Thatcher, this strange combination. The black and the gray or the white of the chessboard all manipulated, of course, because even Lenin said, “that the dictatorship wouldn’t last for probably more than 70 years.”  It was meant to join, because it was fed by the same hand that fed capitalism.

Supposedly, the Cold War was over in the ’90’s, and suddenly little towns across Canada and the States and different places, maybe even Europe too, were so segregated and kept isolated, they won’t tell you what’s happening even in the next county.  Even though you think you’re getting the best news, worldwide news, there is. They can tell you about a little boat in India with 50 people on it sinking in a river, but they can’t tell you what’s happening in the next county.  That’s how micromanaged we are, because all media comes through the same two or three hands, the big companies like Reuters. Good name, you ROUTE the news, eh? 

These emergency preparedness responses that were being carried out, even in small tiny potato villages like Allison, Ontario, and I drove in this particular day.  I drove south and went into Allison, and there’s the fire guys there. I think there were some people from the military watching on, and the police were there and they had hired locals to pretend they were all sick and injured and had bandages on them, and stretchers and cars askew, as though they’d been damaged or whatever. In the paper the next day, it said that they’d practiced having cars with bombs in them, dummy bombs.

One of them outside the Baxter’s Laboratory, which is one of the big companies that used to belong to – actually part of I.G. Farben, still in the inoculation business of making us ‘healthy’ – and I thought what’s all this?  The Cold War is over. Everything is supposed to be peaceful now. From then on, that particular day onwards, we had more and more blurbs across the country given out by the media, and even little special documentaries, maybe 15 minute documentaries, on this network that had ‘just been created.’ Imagine that; bureaucrats take years to plan anything.

They didn’t have it during the Cold War, when supposedly we’re going to get nuked any time, any day or any night; and it’s all over and we’re at peace. Suddenly we have to have all these organizations, these emergency preparedness centers, these headquarters for natural disasters (or man made). They were rehearsing. They sent booklets around to the different areas to each person who lived in them.  A little response book on what to do, and what people to obey, in times of national or even local emergency, long before 9/11 happened, but after the Cold War. Getting us all trained to be managed is the point of it all. It’s training to be managed. It was rather evident from the 1950’s onwards that weather modification was going to be the big stick to convince the people of the world, by telling them that they were causing the abnormalities, which we’re now witnessing.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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