We live in a very complex Freemasonic system of culling, control, of interbreeding, of masonic terms and the individual who can break through is the only enemy

“Follow the trail of eugenics, and the history of eugenics, if you want to see how many of these guys got their start, because you’ll find they all belonged to these societies.  EUGENICS was BROUGHT UP TO CULL OFF THE ‘USELESS EATERS‘ which would not be required in a scientifically orientated society.  They’re going at it really strong now, and passing all kinds of laws.  They have the cultures in the Western world debased enough that we don’t care what happens in medicine, or the fact that there’s a whole industry selling body parts – this Frankensteinian monster.  We are debased. 

The same elite, who are guiding us, will mock so-called ‘primitive societies’ that have all kinds of mourning ceremonies for the dead.  They’ll mock them, and yet, you see, your respect for the dead gives you respect for the living.  We’ve been knocked down, one stone at a time, until there’s no foundation left. 

Maurice Strong’s benefactor, the Rockefeller family, were the ones in the U.S. who backed the whole eugenics program, going way back in the 1920’s. Eugenics means ‘good stock,‘ and the term was first used by Charles Galton Darwin, Darwin’s descendent.  It was all based on their pseudo-science of evolution, which ran in the family lineage of the Darwin family, since Charles Darwin’s father and grandfather both wrote books on the same thing that he eventually wrote on. It didn’t take off too well until they really publicized it and put it under Charles’ name.  This whole idea that races and inferior types die off and they must do, is part of the inner high Masonic tradition.  It’s basic Hinduism, actually.

Many thousands of people were sterilized, forcibly, across the Western world, and they had branches in every country.  They were teaching that the inferior types must be killed off.  The U.S. in its own eugenics society, used to put out magazines every month and have photographs of the best families, with their frontal views of their skulls and side views and all this kind of stuff, to show you how superior they were.

This is how silly people are when you give them a bit of flattery and you pump up their ego; but not just silly, they become very dangerous when they start to believe it and believe that they have the right to dictate to the ‘lessers.’ 

Herbert Spencer brought out the idea of revolutionary psychology.  This was all tied up with this theory of evolution types, superior types and inferior types. You think Adolph Hitler was the only guy who came up with that? No. There were men behind Hitler, who were on the go before he was born, in the German branch of this, under the guise of science.  They are the white-coated scientists, the new priesthood. That’s all they are, with all their theories, and they’ve been very successful in convincing the world that they know what they’re talking about, in so many areas, and we believe them. We’ve been taught, just like we were taught in the past ages to believe the guys with the black dresses on, to believe these new ones.  We believe them, just as well, because they’re experts and ‘gee, what are we?’

Racial hygiene is nothing new at all, and it wasn’t based simply in Germany. The funding came from the big foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation.  People forget that Adolph Hitler was Time-Life Man of the Year, twice, in the 1930’s, when he was going through all this stuff, killing off all of the mentally disabled and the unfit.  It wasn’t until he crossed the borders that he became the bad guy. People forget all about that. They forget the tours of the aristocracy, from all the other countries of Europe, including England, went over to have tours of the new Germany. There was this great experiment. You’ll find this in history books. It means more than you think. You had the United States experiment and the Soviet experiment and the Nazi experiments, all funded by the same big power brokers and foundations, as they studied us all and did with us as they wished, and got us to cheer them on in different countries. That’s why the mass man must always be feared. 

INDIVIDUALISM IS THE ONLY ENEMY THEY HAVE TODAY, the thinker, who can explain this and put across to others, so they, in turn, might think.  Monsters and psychopaths are recruited and given their own special education, which enables them to do what they do and feel good about it, and they never retire. They’re globetrotting all over the place, from one position to the other, in this massive network, and they all know each other, and they don’t have to ask aliens what the next step is.  They don’t need LSD or any Peruvian drug to make them turn into reptiles and do a little dance or any of that. They are though, very inbred, and like Plato said, ‘you can create humans by interbreeding, just like animals, for specific traits. 

If you go back into the Darwinian family, you’ll find that was happening with Charles and right back to his grandfather and before, where they only inbred with one other family called the Wedgwood Family (of Wedgwood Pottery), all belonging to this higher Masonic eugenics society. You breed your way into high Masonry, by accepting the spouse as being trained and also reared, and marrying them, and doing what you’re told, and then that offspring gets to a higher level.  It is a breeding program, and the little guys at the bottom don’t know that, and most of them never will. They don’t know much at all, in fact.

People will never conquer this, on a large level, until they demand to know who these characters are, who are on the seats and the chairs of their local counsel, their police forces, their school councils, their local government levels, who fill the bureaucracies and head positions, from local to federal.  They’ll never get further until they demand the answers, because you’ll be completely utterly shocked. YOU MUST BE in one of these FREEMASONIC ORGANIZATIONS, in this system, in the West, to get ‘a head,’ as they say

The Wizard of Oz is very active, the little man behind the curtains with all the technology, and the levers and the buttons. He can terrify you in a thousand ways.  That’s what was really written into that movie, and the ‘yellow brick road,’ ALL ARE MASONIC TERMS.  OZ is found in the Bible, sometimes under OZ, sometimes under OS, sometimes under US and sometimes under UZ.  It depends on the version.

We live in a very complex system, and yet its complexity can be the Achilles heel for someone who can break through the very basic bottom level, and not get trapped with the people who are deliberately put out there to suck you in, and ride you in circles, until you’re even more confused than ever.  They’ll use all the materials put out by the small guys, who never had the financing to get the big booksellers on their side. Someone called me, just the other day, and mentioned a particular one, and he says, ‘do you know that he put in there about the troglodytes, and trog, and trog backwards is gort, and gort is the robot in The Day the Earth Stood Still.’  You see, I talked about all that stuff, back in the ’90’s, and it’s all taped, and I’ve given out lots of them.  These characters, or their teams, just gather it up, put it in their books, spin it into whatever, and they get the publicity and unfortunately mislead people.  What I didn’t mention to this fellow, also, is that there was a group called The Troggs. See what song they sung. Add that to your next book.

You’re living under control.  Fascination will be the end of you, if you allow yourself to be fascinated by tremendous tales, just as religion has been used for thousands of years very effectively.  In the Middle Ages they had people terrified at one time of even living in the forest they’d been born in, because there was demons everywhere, and shadows suddenly became demons, and oh my goodness, everything became demonic.  The only safe place was the church, and that’s where you brought your valuables and gave it to them, and got blessed and protected by little stories, and little spells would be put out there for you, of protection.

I’m running out of time right now. Keep warm. Keep safe. Stock up on basic stuff that you need to live, in case they give you an emergency, just the basic stuff.  Keep warm, that’s important, and have some food and some jugs for water, and some candles and you’ll be fine. All the best, from me tonight, and Hamish the dog, and may your God go with you.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]


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