We have been conned big time and lied to from birth

“Those who have suddenly looked around them, still standing on the floor on the bottom level of the matrix, generally freak out at the information that hits them, because it’s available from some good sources and an awful lot of bad sources.  They panic.  The bad sources that are run by the big boys, because this isn’t the first time this technique has been used, will have them spinning off in helter-skelters of the most amazing disinformation ever designed.  They know that the average person, who is, as I say, just woken up to one part of it – that is that his life is changing drastically, rather quickly.  We don’t notice when it’s done slowly, you see, but they’re on a roll now.  They know that the person is freaking out, and the first conclusion they’re encouraged to think of, is that this is too diabolical and too overwhelming to be done by humans. This is encouraged through lots of the authorized authors, who are put out there to promote all kinds of things, from space aliens to slimy things that walk around looking like people, and not yet people either. That seems palatable to the average person, who’s just, as I say, in the freaking out stage of ‘how did all this happen’?

They’ve been living in fairy-land, a dream, up until that point, with their favorite newscasters looking very mature and very fatherly, and staring them in the eye at every six o’clock newscast. ‘Would he lie to you?  Of course not.’  To you think that whole world is lying to you, would put you into a category, which would make it easy for them to lock you up. So don’t freak out. Accept it calmly and quietly. 

Yes, YOU’VE BEEN CONNED BIG TIME, and not just you. Billions of other people to across the planet have been CONNED, because this scientific process has been in operation for an awful long time.  They put out the fake dis-info guys, counterintelligence, who gathers all the intelligence (the facts) that are being passed around, to mix it with the absurd and discredit the facts.

I get that all the time from people who, as I say, they’re on roller coasters with all this disinformation, mixed up with real information.  That’s what they always say – ‘humans could never dreamt this up. It’s just too big,’ and that’s because they’re still thinking that it’s just happened, suddenly.  It’s also an egotistical problem, because they can’t imagine how they could have been fooled so perfectly, but you’ve been trained that way since your birth, and your parents didn’t know.  Like all mammals, you accept that if the parents don’t show danger signals towards a certain area, you’ll think everything is quite natural within that area.   That’s how simple this is.  You’ll see networks of people, generally very old men, who do get life extension, there’s no doubt whatsoever.  They get a superior healthcare the public will never be let into, and your science magazines will still keep you living in the cave age, stone age, the era with their latest this and latest that. Everything they tell us is obsolete and very old.

You have a network of old guys, an old boys club, to introduce people who work their way up the pyramid, through many different rituals and proving their worth. ‘You must be worthy,’ as they say.  It means you must keep your mouth shut.  You do the dirty deeds on the public and keep you mouth shut, too, and you take your rewards and keep your mouth shut.  The higher they go, the worse they become, until they’re really conning in a big way, and they still keep their mouths shut.  That’s the system.  They’re pulled out of CEO offices, banks or corporations, many of which are just owned by the secret services like the CIA anyway, and moved all over the planet into the United Nations – out of the United Nations into politics – back into CEO job – back into the United Nations – in perpetual circles. They always know their part in the agenda. They’re very worthy. They’re trustworthy, you see. They can keep their mouths shut.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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